Hello 大家好 这里是MelodyC2E
Bridge of peace
翻译:陈路云 何广泰
I wanna see you again, all day and night
让我再看你一遍 从南到北
The hustle and bustle blindfold my eyes
像是被五环路 蒙住的双眼
Would you talk about that day one more time
请你再讲一遍 关于那天
The girl holding a box, and the sweating guy
抱住盒子的姑娘 和擦汗的男人
And I know all those summers won't come back just like you and I
我知道那些夏天 就像青春一样回不来
In reluctance, I buried my dream in tomb
代替梦想的 也只能是勉为其难
And I know all those tall tales will fade away with passing time
我知道吹过的牛逼 也会随青春一笑了之
Trapped in the city, I miss you
让我困在城市里 纪念你
I wish a sip of wine, when leaves falling
让我再尝一口 秋天的酒
It will not take long--homeward heading
一直往南方开 不会太久
I wanna hear that once more (the) warmest greeting
让我再听一遍 最美的那一句
You are back, I have been waiting
你回家了 我在等你呢
And I know all those summers won't come back just like you and I
我知道那些夏天 就像青春一样回不来
In reluctance, I buried my dream in tomb
代替梦想的 也只能是勉为其难
And I know all those tall tales will fade away with passing time
我知道吹过的牛逼 也会随青春一笑了之
Trapped in the city, I miss you
让我困在城市里 纪念你
And I know all those summers won't come back just like me and you
我知道那些夏天 就像你一样回不来
I will never be that true to someone new
我已不会 再对谁满怀期待
And I know this world is filled with so much regrets and rue
我知道这个世界 每天都有太多遗憾
So dear, hello, adieu
所以 你好 再见
And I know all those summers won't come back just like me and you
我知道那些夏天 就像你一样回不来
So dear, hello, adieu
所以 你好 再见
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