1984 I didn’t reap enough crops around
一九八四年 庄稼还没收割完
Nestled snugly in my arms,
my boy slept so sound
儿子躺在我怀里 睡得那么甜
No time left to see a film in the open ground
今晚的露天电影 没时间去看
My wife sighed wearily --
the old sewing machine was down
妻子提醒我 修修缝纫机的踏板
Tomorrow I would borrow more
from the next door
明天我要去 邻居家再借点钱
Craving for biscuits all day,
my poor boy cried on the floor
孩子哭了一整天哪 闹着要吃饼干
My old blue jacket could not
mask the heartfelt sore
蓝色的涤卡上衣 痛往心里钻
Squatting near a pond,
I punched myself twice or more
蹲在池塘边上 狠狠给了自己两拳
Those stanzas are locked up
in my papa’s journal
这是我父亲 日记里的文字
His verses record his youth
and make it eternal
这是他的青春留下 留下来的散文诗
Tears flowing hard,
my heart can’t help but tremble
Aging in shadow,
he always stays so humble
1994 I reaped all crops around
一九九四年 庄稼早已收割完
My old mum departed this world
without a sound
我的老母亲去年 离开了人间
With a white shirt,
my boy rushed to school in the town
儿子穿着白衬衫 跑进了校园
He seemed to feel weighed down these days, losing several pounds
可是他最近有些心事 瘦了一大圈
In the years ahead,
I would be as old as useless paper
想一想未来 我老成了一堆旧纸钱
But then my boy would mature,
with duty on his shoulders
那时的儿子已是 真正的男子汉
A girl loves his soul and he would marry her
有个可爱的姑娘 和他成了家
Hope they could live a more beautiful life together
但愿他们 不要活得如此艰难
Those stanzas are locked up
in my papa’s journal
His verses store his life and make it eternal
这是他的生命留下 留下来的散文诗
Tears flowing hard,
my heart can’t help but tremble
Aging in shadow, he always stays so humble
Those stanzas are locked up
in my papa’s journal
His verses store his life
and make it eternal
这是他的生命留下 留下来的散文诗
Tears flowing hard,
my heart can’t help but tremble
Now he’s like the yellowed newspaper,
old and unnoticeable
可我的父亲在风中 像一张旧报纸
Bygone generations left their footprints
on this land
With winds and rains,
almost everything slipped from hands
Memories of the past bring sorrows that I can’t stand
They have all been buried in tears
and shifting sands
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