Bart:Dad, taking the family to opening night is the nicest thing you've ever done for us.
Homer:Or will ever do.
Lisa:I can't wait to see this reimagining of Itchy & Scratchy by avant-garde director Julianna Crelmner.
Homer:Hey, it says here the "book" was written by Tom Stoppard. This isn't a book! It's a play! Book.
African Man:Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamishtanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, kimanee sayfaloooooooooooooor...
Old Cat:All hail the king of the cats.
Cast:Sayfalooooooor, sayfaloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor...
Marge:They're coming down the aisles!
What if they want to interact with me? Looking through my purse, looking through my purse, keep walking, monkey!
Bart:Don't worry, Mom, they all pass by.
Marge: Oh thank God.
Cast:Itchy-Scratchy, Itchy-Itchy-Scratchy,
Itchy-Scratchy, Itchy-Itchy-Scratchy,
Singing Cat:From the day you were born in the alley,
To the day you were hit by a car,
There's cream to drink and mice to eat
And great big balls of yarn.
It's the circle,
The circle of—
Lisa:I love the use of streamers as blood. It robs the violence of its power.
Bart:Woo-hoo! I'm drenched in "blood"!
Scratchy:I don't know why I trust him.
I guess some cats just never learn.
Itchy:I feel so good when I have crushed him,
Or left him mangled, maimed and burned.
Both:I suppose it's symbiotic,
And perhaps a bit erotic.
Scratchy:'Cause pain is my narcotic.
Itchy:You really liked it?
Scratchy:Yes, I loved it.
Both:And that's why we're always
Scratchy:And biting...
Itchy:And dynamite igniting!
Homer:Hey, check it out! I'm Scratcher or somethin'.
Cast:It's the circle,
The circle of knife!
It's the circle,
The circle of knife!
1."The Simpsons" Main Title Theme
3.The Very Reason That I Live
4.Stretch Dude And Clobber Girl
5.the SimpsonsEnd Credits The
6.Ode To Branson
7.Sold Separately
8.Island Of Sirens
9.They'll Never Stop The Simpson
11.Homer & Marge - Featuring
12.everybody Hates Ned Flanders
13.Tastes Like Liberty
14.You're A Bunch Of Stuff
15.What Do I Think Of The Pie?
16.He's The Man - Featuring Shawn
17.Dancing Workers' Song
18.the President Wore PearlsMe
19.Glove Slap - Featuring The B-5
20.O Pruny Night
21.America (i Love This Country)
22.America Rules
23.Welcome To Moe's
24.We Are The Jokeys
25.Song Of Shelbyville
26.a Star Is TornMedley
27.Who Wants A Haircut? - Featuri
28.my Fair LaddyMedley
29.Springfield Blows
30.king Of The CatsItchy & Scr
31.Lady - Featuring Ricky Gervais
32.You Make Me Laugh
33.Lady Riff - Featuring Ricky Ge
34.Poppa, Can You Hear Me?
35."Yokel Chords" Medley
36.Hullaba Lula - Featuring Kelse
37.Song Of The Wild Beasts
38.Oldies And Nudies
39.I Love To Walk
40.Baby Stink Breath
41.Marjorie - Featuring Jackson B