along you came
And right away I'm stung.
下一秒你就离开 留我在原地
Sweet words I long to whisper
But you've paralyzed my tounge...
Marge:Oh, what a magical evening. The moonlight, the music, the water—
噢 多么美妙的夜晚 这月光 这音乐 这海水
Homer:Enough talk! Dip me, my love! Lower. Lower! Lower!
休言 让我在你臂弯里沉醉吧 低点 再低点 再再低点
Seymour Skinner:Mmm, this is as romantic as the night I proposed.
Edna Krabappel:Maybe we can have this band play at our wedding.
Seymour Skinner:I was kinda hoping we could use this audio cassette.
Edna Krabappel:Seymour, we've got to have a band!
Seymour 我们得要有个乐队
Seymour Skinner:Fine, but no cake.
好吧 但是蛋糕不要了
Chief Wiggum:Sarah, you're as lovely as the day I first arrested you.
Sarah 你还是和我第一次逮捕你那天一样可爱
You know I planted that crystal meth just to meet you. I was so shy.
你懂的 我把放在你那里只是为了跟你搭讪 我实在太害羞了
Ned Flanders:Well, Sea Captain, looks like you and I are sailing solo tonight.
好吧船长 看来今晚你和我要独自出航了啊
Sea Captain:Arrgh you hitting on me? Cuz I don't do dat...on land.
你在和我搭讪吗?因为我从来不这么做 在陆地上
Ned Flanders:Well, guess I might as well be headin' back to my store.
好吧 看来我还是回我的店好了
Have a date with some twins: State and Federal Tax Forms.
Marge:Poor Ned. This is his first Jellyfish Festival alone.
可怜的Ned 这是他第一次独自过水母节
Homer:I know and it doesn't get any easier from here.
我知道 这只是个开始而已
There's the Tongue-Kissing Festival, Cinco de Ocho, the Hobo Oscars, days just made for lovers.
之后还有舌吻节 西班牙五八节 贫民奥斯卡节等等 这些都是只为情侣而存在的
Not widowers...lovers.
不是鳏夫 是情侣
1."The Simpsons" Main Title Theme
3.The Very Reason That I Live
4.Stretch Dude And Clobber Girl
5.the SimpsonsEnd Credits The
6.Ode To Branson
7.Sold Separately
8.Island Of Sirens
9.They'll Never Stop The Simpson
11.Homer & Marge - Featuring
12.everybody Hates Ned Flanders
13.Tastes Like Liberty
14.You're A Bunch Of Stuff
15.What Do I Think Of The Pie?
16.He's The Man - Featuring Shawn
17.Dancing Workers' Song
18.the President Wore PearlsMe
19.Glove Slap - Featuring The B-5
20.O Pruny Night
21.America (i Love This Country)
22.America Rules
23.Welcome To Moe's
24.We Are The Jokeys
25.Song Of Shelbyville
26.a Star Is TornMedley
27.Who Wants A Haircut? - Featuri
28.my Fair LaddyMedley
29.Springfield Blows
30.king Of The CatsItchy & Scr
31.Lady - Featuring Ricky Gervais
32.You Make Me Laugh
33.Lady Riff - Featuring Ricky Ge
34.Poppa, Can You Hear Me?
35."Yokel Chords" Medley
36.Hullaba Lula - Featuring Kelse
37.Song Of The Wild Beasts
38.Oldies And Nudies
39.I Love To Walk
40.Baby Stink Breath
41.Marjorie - Featuring Jackson B