Homer & Marge - Featuring

Homie,I tried to tell you how I feel,but I can't find the right words.
Homie 我很想告诉你我是怎么想的 但我不知道说什么才好
Maybe he can.
"Weird AI" Yankovic?
艾尔 扬科维奇?
Homer,Marge wrote me about what happened.
Home Marge给我写了事情的经过
And as soon as her check cleared,I was on the first reasonably priced flight here.
并等她把钱一付 我就坐上最经济的航班到这里来了
Did you get the parody songs I sent you?
Which one was better? "Living La Pizza Loca" or "Another One Bites the Crust"?
They werw pretty much the same,Homer.
其实都差不多啦 Homer
Yeah,Like you and Allan Sherman.
是呀 就像你和Allan Sherman一样
Now,here's a song i wrote for you.
Little ditty about Homer and Marge.
Her heart was as big as his stomach was large.
Oh yeah,they say love goes on.
没错 他们之间的爱还在延续
Long after the grilled cheese sandwich is gone.
It would take a man of stone with a funny bone of steel to resist that.
Homer,would you at least let me take you out on a date?
Homer 至少让我和你约会一次行吗?
I don't know.Date a chick with kids?
我不知道 和一个有孩子的女人约会?
All right,all right.
That's a story about Homer and Mager.
Two folks i helped out For a nominal charge.
两个我帮过的人 我只收了一点点钱
After Homer went gay They patched up their schism.
Homer变成基佬以后 他们就和好了
But the dude never dealt With his alcoholism.Weird Al saying "Oh,yeah,the credits go on".
但是Homer还是没能戒酒 我说 没错故事还是在继续
Long after the viewer's interest is gone.
Oh yeah, Weird Al had fun on this show.
没错 这一集让我过的很欢乐
Even if it was just a brief cameo.
1."The Simpsons" Main Title Theme
3.The Very Reason That I Live
4.Stretch Dude And Clobber Girl
5.the SimpsonsEnd Credits The
6.Ode To Branson
7.Sold Separately
8.Island Of Sirens
9.They'll Never Stop The Simpson
11.Homer & Marge - Featuring
12.everybody Hates Ned Flanders
13.Tastes Like Liberty
14.You're A Bunch Of Stuff
15.What Do I Think Of The Pie?
16.He's The Man - Featuring Shawn
17.Dancing Workers' Song
18.the President Wore PearlsMe
19.Glove Slap - Featuring The B-5
20.O Pruny Night
21.America (i Love This Country)
22.America Rules
23.Welcome To Moe's
24.We Are The Jokeys
25.Song Of Shelbyville
26.a Star Is TornMedley
27.Who Wants A Haircut? - Featuri
28.my Fair LaddyMedley
29.Springfield Blows
30.king Of The CatsItchy & Scr
31.Lady - Featuring Ricky Gervais
32.You Make Me Laugh
33.Lady Riff - Featuring Ricky Ge
34.Poppa, Can You Hear Me?
35."Yokel Chords" Medley
36.Hullaba Lula - Featuring Kelse
37.Song Of The Wild Beasts
38.Oldies And Nudies
39.I Love To Walk
40.Baby Stink Breath
41.Marjorie - Featuring Jackson B