Had enough of heartbreak and pain
I had a little sweet spot for the rain
现在面向蒙蒙细雨 我展开笑颜 舒展眉头
For the rain and skies of gray
凝视着黯淡的天空 感受细雨拂面
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
你好 阳光 你可否为我停留
You know, I always liked my walking shoes
你知道 我喜欢穿着休闲鞋漫步田间
But you can get a little too fond of the blues
You walk too far, you walk away
你转身离开 留下寂寥的背影
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
你好 阳光 你可否为我停留
You know, I always loved a lonely town
你知道 我深爱着那寂静的小镇
Those empty streets, no one around
街道空空荡荡 无人留守
You fall in love with lonely, you end up that way
你爱上了寂寞的感觉 这就是故事的尽头
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
你好 阳光 你可否为我停留
You know, I always liked that empty road
你知道 我一直醉心于那寂寥无人的街道
No place to be and miles to go
没有地方需要到达 没有征程需要行走
But miles to go is miles away
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
你好 阳光 你可否为我停留
And miles to go is miles away
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
你好 阳光 你可否为我停留
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
你好 阳光 你可否为我停留
Hello sunshine
你好 阳光
10.The River
11.Hungry Heart
13.Glory Days
18.Human Touch
20.Living Proof
24.The Rising
27.The Wrestler