1.The Raven (feat. David Burt)
2.The Pit and the Pendulum (feat. Steve Balsamo)
3.The Murders in the Rue Morgue (feat. Steve Balsamo & Eric Woolfson)
4.Annabel Lee/ Let the Sun Shine on Me (feat. Steve Balsamo & Anna Jane Casey)
5.The Bells (feat. the Metro Voices)
6.Angel of the Odd
7.Wings of Eagles (feat. Steve Balsamo)
8.Blinded by the Light (feat. Steve Balsamo & Anna Jane Casey)
9.It Doesn't Take a Genius (feat. David Burt & James Gillan)
10.Goodbye to All That (feat. the Brighton Festival Chorus & the Metro Voices)
11.The Devil I Know (feat. Juliette Caton)
12.Somewhere in the Audience (feat. Steve Balsamo)
13.Trust Me (feat. David Burt)
14.Train to Freedom (feat. Fred Johanson)
15.What Fools People Are (feat. David Burt)
16.Immortal (feat. Steve Balsamo)
17.Tiny Star (feat. Melinda Hughes)