[SQUIP, spoken] It's okay, Jeremy
I anticipated her resistance
[JEREMY, spoken] No! I have to destroy that beaker
Where's the beaker?
[SQUIP, spoken] I anticipated your resistance too, Jeremy
So I took the decision out of your hands
[BROOKE, spoken] What angel wakes me from my flowery bed
[MR. REYES, spoken] Some potion, m' lady!
[BROOKE, spoken] Thanks-
[BROOKE, spoken] I warned thee gentle mortal
It's time to feed again!
[JEREMY, spoken] You're going to SQUIP the whole cast!
[SQUIP, spoken] And that's just for starters
Soon, I won't just be in your brain
I'll be in everyone's!
[JEREMY, spoken] Not if I can stop you!
Mr. Reyes? You can't let anyone else drink from that beaker
[MR. REYES, spoken] Don't be silly! It's more than safe
I should know, I tried it myself
[SQUIP, spoken] Up up down down left right A
[JEREMY, spoken] Mr. Reyes?
[MR. REYES, spoken]You needy, pathetic
Self-centered students!
You think I wanted to teach high school drama?
In New Jersey?
[JEREMY, spoken] What did you do to him?
[SQUIP] I synced his desires to your own
I now realize my operating system will only be complete
When everyone shares a social network
[JEREMY, spoken] You're a computer! There has to be some way to turn you off
[SQUIP, spoken] I'd stop there
Rich tried to fight back
And look what happened to him
[RICH, spoken] I need Mountain Dew Red
[JEREMY, spoken] That's it!
Green mountain dew activates you, red shuts you off!
[SQUIP, spoken] Why do you think we had it discontinued?
To get rid of me now you'd need a time machine to the 1990's
[JEREMY, spoken] Or a friend who's so old school
He buys 90s soft drinks from the back room at Spencer's Gifts!
[SQUIP, spoken] Jeremy!
I'm going to improve your life
If I have to take over the entire human race to do it!
[MICHAEL] Michael makes an entrance!
[JEREMY, spoken] Michael!
You came to see me in the play?
[MICHAEL, spoken] Even brought my own refreshments
[JEREMY, spoken] Is that-
[MICHAEL, spoken] Mountain Dew Red!
Told you I did my research
[JEREMY, spoken] That's amazing! Give it to me!
[MICHAEL, spoken] Okay! Wait, no
[SQUIP, spoken] Kung Fu fists activate
[JEREMY, spoken] This is so-
Y-y-y-y-you love to feel superior and don't care about being popular
[MICHAEL, spoken] Of course I care!
I just know it's never gonna happen
[JEREMY, spoken] What? You resent me because I wouldn't g-g-g-give up like you did?
[MICHAEL, spoken] I don't resent you!
I'm jealous you tried!
[JEREMY, spoken] Well, I'm j-j-jealous you don't!
[MICHAEL, spoken] Why are you hitting me?
[JEREMY, spoken] It's not me--it's
My- Squip-
[MICHAEL, spoken] Jake!
Uhh, this is gonna sound super weird
But if I hold down Jeremy
Can you make him drink this Mountain Dew Red?
[JAKE, spoken] That doesn't sound weird at all
[SQUIP, spoken] Up up down down left right A
[SQUIP, spoken] Oh, Jeremy
Look what you're making me make him do!
[JAKE] I'm living the upgrade
God I love me
[CHLOE & BROOKE] (vocalizing)
There you are, Jeremy
[BROOKE, spoken] We just want you to know we're not mad anymore
[CHLOE, spoken] I just wanted to feel liked
[BROOKE, spoken] And I just wanted to feel seen
[CHLOE, spoken] But, I see you!
[BROOKE, spoken] And I like you!
[BOTH] Oh my god, why was I so jealous of you?
You were jealous of me?
That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me
Sisters forever! Jinx!
[JEREMY, spoken] Michael, the bottle!
There's a few drops left
[MICHAEL, spoken] How are we supposed to get to it?
[JEREMY, spoken] Apocalypse of the Damned!
Level nine
[JEREMY & MICHAEL] The Cafetorium
Find the bad guy, push 'em aside
Then move on forward with a friend at your side
It's a two-player game so when they make an attack
You know you got a brother, gonna have your back
[MICHAEL, spoken] Got it!
[JENNA ROLAN, spoken] I just wanted to be part of a group!
Now, I finally am!
And I won't let you take that away
[SQUIP, spoken] You don't wanna drink that, Jeremy!
[JEREMY, spoken] Why not?
[SQUIP, spoken] Because if you drink it
Then you'll never be with her
[CHRISTINE, spoken] Jeremy?
[JEREMY, spoken] Christine?
[CHRISTINE] You are the person I want to be with every day
And this is something that I've been afraid to say
You're the guy I am so kinda into
The guy that I am totally into
This feeling is new
Jeremy, I love you
[SQUIP, spoken] You've waited so long to hear Christine say those words
How can you possibly drink that last drop?
[JEREMY, spoken] That's not Christine!
And I am stronger than you think I am
Drink this
[SQUIP, spoken] No!
Jeremy, think about what you are sacrificing!
[JEREMY, spoken] How do you feel?
[CHRISTINE, spoken] I feel...
[JEREMY, spoken] Oh god
[JEREMY, spoken] Oh god
[ALL] Ow!
[MICHAEL, spoken] Oh god!
[JEREMY, spoken]What did I do?
[MICHAEL, spoken] You just deactivated the SQUIPs!
[SQUIP] Watashi wa nihon kara kimashita