Tired of injustice
Tired of the schemes
The lies are disgusting
So what does it mean
Kicking me down
I got to get up
As jacked as it sounds
The whole system sucks
Janet:Peek in the shadow
Come into the light
You tell me I am wrong
Then you better
Prove you are right
You are selling out souls but
I care about mine
I have got to get stronger
And I wont give up the fight
Michael:With such confusions
Don't it make you wanna scream
Your bash abusing
Victimize within the scheme
Janet:You try to cope with
Every lie they scrutinize
Both:Somebody please have mercy
Cause I just can not take it
Stop pressuring me
Just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me
Make me wanna scream
Stop pressuring me
Just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me
Make you just wanna scream
Michael:With such collusions
Don not it
Make you wanna scream
Your bash abusing victimize
Within the scheme
Janet:You try to cope with
Every lie they scrutinize
Both:Oh brother
Please have mercy
Cause I just can not take it
Stop pressuring me
Just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me
Make me wanna scream
Stop pressuring me
Just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring with me
Make me wanna scream
Stop pressuring me
Just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me
Make me wanna scream
Stop pressuring me
Just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring with me
Make me wanna scream
15.I'm So Blue
30.Off the Wall
46.Al Capone
47.Best of Joy
59.Fly Away
68.For All Time
77.The Mime Segment: (I Like) The Way You Love Me / Speed Demon / Another Part of Me [Immortal Version]
81.Say Say Say
98.On the Line
103.In the Back
111.We've Had Enough
119.Enjoy Yourself
121.Lovely One
157.One More Chance