Y'all know what I'm saying
Thank you men, Thank
Y'all know his name
Ayo Mac
哟 Mack【Mack Maine:李伟朋友&YoungMoney总裁】
Ladies and gentlemen, C5 (Oh)
女士先生们 这里是Tha Carter V
Wayne time (Oh)
Yeah, yeah, yeah (Woo)
Zone, zone, zone, zone, zone
Let me see your shoulders work
让我看到你们抖动的肩膀【指代Harlem Shake dance里的肩部动作】
I mean, I don't know what y'all came here to do, but uhh
我的意思是 我虽然不知道你们来这的目的是什么 但是... ...
If you don't ain't a lighter, what the fuck you smoking for
如果你连打火机都没有 别给我吹牛逼扯什么抽大烟
What the fuck though? Where the love go?
Five, four, three, two, I let one go
五,四,三,二 一我就不数了
Bow, get the fuck though, I don't bluff, bro
谦虚点 闪一边去 小子 这可不是在吓唬你
Aimin' at your head like a buffalo
我已经对准了你的头 像只美洲野牛
You a roughneck, I'm a cutthroat
你不过是个混混 而我是个杀手
You're a tough guy, that's enough jokes
你是个狠角色 玩笑就开到这吧
Then the sun die, the night is young though
你会看到白昼消逝 而夜晚才刚刚开始
The diamonds still shine, get it rough hoe
你会懂得没经过打磨的钻石 依旧会光芒闪耀
What the fuck though? Where the love go?
Five, four, three, two, where the ones go?
五,四,三,二 一数到哪去了?
It's a shit show, put you front row
这是场绝妙的表演 把你安排在第一排 好让你看清楚了
Talkin' shit, bro? Let your tongue show
Money over bitches, and above hoes
大把钞票洒在这些拜金女脸上【Money Over Bitches=M.O.B是2Pac的一首歌】
That is still my favorite love quote
Put the gun inside, what the fuck for?
把枪都收起来 这又是何必呢?
I sleep with the gun, then she don't snore
我睡觉都带着枪 而身旁的马子对此一无所知
What the fuck yo? Where the love go?
Trade the ski mask, for the muzzle
It's a blood bath, where the Suns go?
这道路不仅满是鲜血 而且还暗无天日
It's a Swizz beat, down the drums go?
这是Swizz制作的beat 瞧这鼓点敲得多起劲
If she's iffy, down the drugs go
要是她还有所怀疑 就给她点药嗑嗑
If she sip lean, double cup toast
要是她举起那双层杯 就能尝到那杯中的紫水
I Gotta duffle full of hundos
Down the love go, where's the uproar?
爱都已流逝 我怎么还听不到你们的喧嚣声?
What the fuck tho? Where the love go?
Five, four, three, two, I let one go
五,四,三,二 一我就不数了
Bow, get the fuck though, I don't bluff, bro
谦虚点 一边玩去 小子 这可不是在吓唬你
Aimin' at your head like a buffalo
我已经对准了你的头 像只美洲野牛
What the fuck though? Where the love go?
Five, four, three, two, I let one go
五,四,三,二 一我就不数了
Bow, get the fuck though, I don't bluff, bro
谦虚点 一边玩去 小子 这可不是在吓唬你
Aimin' at your head like a buffalo
我已对准你了的头 像只美洲野牛
Get the fuck though, I don't bluff, bro'
都给我闪开点 我可没在吓唬你
I come out the scuffle without a scuff, bro
一场激烈混战后 我也能毫发无损 凯旋而归
Puff, puff, bro, I don't huff though
哥们我只抽叶子 但从不用吸入剂【puff模拟的是打火机打火的声音 huff指代的是用吸入剂嗑药喷出的烟雾】
Yellow diamonds up close, catch a sunstroke
走近点看看 我的钻石像太阳般闪耀 但小心别中暑
At your front door with a gun stowed
把我的枪收好 站在你的门前
"Knock-knock, who's there" is how it won't go
“咚咚 是谁在门外” 剧情可不会这样发展
This the jungle so have the utmost
这是危险地带 每个人都得发挥自己的极限
For the nutzos, and we nuts, so
为了生存 你得尊重生活在这的人 并且融入这里【nutzos和nuts作坚果义 呼应上句的双关jungle(丛林)】
What the fuck, bro? It's where I'm from, bro
兄弟 说到这你还没懂吗?这就是生我养我的地方
We grew up fast, we rolled up slow
我们成长得很快 但在卷叶子的时候步伐得慢下来
We throw up gang signs, she throw up dope
我们迅速搭建起帮会标志 这女人服药后吐得厉害【throw up的双关】
Dreadlock hang down like a bando
长发绺身后披 像是个糟老头
Put the green in the bag, like a lot more
大把绿钞收入包 像台割草机那般高效【歌词应该为like a lawnmower,这里green双关(钞票/草) 照应后半句的lawnmower】
Hair trigger pulled back like a cornrow
风流倜傥 头发潇洒 梳成玉米条脏辫形状
Extra clip in the stash like a console
像个操纵台那样 号令一发 就有千百子弹扫射
Listenin' to Bono, you listen to Don O
我欣赏的是Bono的音乐 而你还在听Donny的歌【Bono是U2主唱;Don O指的是Donny Osmond,童星出身】
What the fuck though? Where the love go?
Swizzy, you a chef, I like my lunch gross
Swizz 你是这首歌的负责人 我爱这美味的午餐
Just look up, bro there the stars go
抬起头来看着 巨星就要在这出现了
I see the shovel, but where the drugs go? Mm
我看见那些铲子了 但你们把我的叶子埋藏在哪了?!
To the unknown
Only way he comin' is through his unborn
If you see what's in my bag, think I'm a drug lord
如果你看见我包里装的东西 恐怕得称呼我为叶子伯爵
It's empty when I give it back, now where's the uproar?
但当我把它们退还 包又空空如也 所以现在 欢呼声在哪里?
What the fuck though? Where the love go?
Five, four, three, two, I let one go
五,四,三,二 一我就不数了
Bow, get the fuck though, I don't bluff, bro
谦虚点 闪一边去 小子 这可不是在吓唬你
Aimin' at your head like a buffalo
我已经对准了你的头 像只美洲野牛
What the fuck though? Where the love go?
Five, four, three, two, I let one go
五,四,三,二 一我就不数了
Bow, get the fuck though, I don't bluff, bro
谦虚点 一边玩去 小子 这可不是在吓唬你
Aimin' at your head like a buffalo
我已经对准了你的头 像只美洲野牛
1.I Love You Dwayne
2.Don’t Cry
5.Let It Fly
6.Can't Be Broken
7.Dark Side Of The Moon
8.Mona Lisa
9.What About Me
10.Open Letter
13.Dope Niggaz
15.Took His Time
16.Open Safe
17.Start This Shit Off Right
20.Dope New Gospel
21.Perfect Strangers
22.Used 2
23.Let It All Work Out