Tha Carter V
Don't cry, don’t go
不要哭泣 别就这样离开我
Won't lie, I fuckin' love you
我没说谎 我对你的爱都是真情实意
You’re staring into the clouds
Are they rising or they comin' down
我是否将升上天堂 亦或是这天幕充满杀机
I see death around the corner
死亡气息 弥漫街角
And the U-turn sign's lookin' like a smile
掉头的标志如死神的微笑 宣告我无路可逃
What do I do now? Who gon' find me, how?
我该怎么办 谁能找到我
Nowhere to turn but around and round
无处可去 徘徊此处
Just another nigga that done lost his head
No, a fucking king that forgot his crown
不 其实是一个忘记戴上皇冠的国王
I am not number one, it's true
第一的桂冠不属于我 是啊
I'm number 9-27-82
1982-09-27 我更希望你记住我的生日
Color blind, even if I may be blue
色盲 可能我注定将深陷蓝色的忧郁
A lot on my plate, ain't my favorite food
餐盘上堆得满满当当 却没有我最爱的事物
But I’m hungry, so hungry
对金钱 我饥渴如初
Need my family tree next to a money tree
我的族谱 得挨着摇钱树
With a bunch of leaves in the Garden of Eden
像伊甸园一般枝繁叶茂 家族欣欣向荣
With a bunch of Eves, no fruit punch for me
许多夏娃般的美丽女子 不必担心误吞禁果
I sip from the fountain of youth
So if I die young, blame the juice
我若英年早逝 这水 便是罪魁祸首
Bury me in New Orleans
记得把我葬在新奥尔良 我的老家
Tombstone reads "Don’t cry, stay tuned"
墓志铭写上 不要哭泣 对Lil Tunechi保持关注
Bring me back to life
Got to lose a life just to have a life
为生活疲于奔命 生活早已离你而去
But if heaven's as good as advertised
I want a triple extension on my motherfuckin’ afterlife
我的来世 即是永恒 XXX也已永垂不朽
Rest in paradise
Don't cry (don't cry, don't cry), don’t go (why, oh why?)
不要哭泣 别就这样离开我
Won't lie, I fuckin' love you(don't cry, don't cry)
我没说谎 我对你的爱都是真情实意
Don't cry (don't cry, don't cry, don't cry)
Don't go (why, oh why, oh why, oh why?)
Won't lie (don't cry, don't cry),
I fuckin' love you (don't cry, don't cry)
Talent is god-given, be grateful
天赋是上帝赐予的 请心怀感激
Fame is not a given, be humble
名望非信手拈来 保持谦虚
Conceit is self-driven, drive carefully
自负是自己造成的 人生路上小心驾驶
Stay in your own lane, seat buckled
走自己的车道 系好安全带
And sometimes there is no music
We toot our own horns, rum-bum-bum-bum
我们就按响自己的车喇叭 rum-bum-bum-bum
That woman carried the future
我的老妈 可是“怀揣”未来
And Tunechi was born like "dun-dun-dun-dun"
我李伟的出生如同超级英雄 闪亮登场
Don't call it a comeback
别把Tha Carter V 叫做回归
It was dark, now the sun back
曾身处黑暗 现在太阳重新升起
Hit me hard, but I punched back
让我受到打击 我必加倍奉还
The wheels fell off, I rode the hubcap
轮胎都掉落 有轮毂盖我照样前行
It's suicide or it's do or die
是用自杀了结一切 还是生死关头 决一死战
It's newer days and it's bluer skies
崭新的一天 蔚蓝的天空
I told myself "It's just you and I"
我告诉我自己 现在就剩你和我了
Then the breeze came and it blew my mind
微风轻拂 带起思绪波澜
Lord knows who I'm there for
I give my last breath to effort
Mama tell me to be careful
Voice in my head give me an earful
脑海中 充斥了各种声音
But I got mind control over my control
精神上的控制 占据了主宰
I lost control but knew I'd find control
我有点难以自制 但我会夺回控制权
I let God control what I cannot control
尽人事 余下的便是听天命
Can't control the tears, let them drop and roll
控制不住泪水 就让它们尽情流淌吧
Don't cry (don't cry, don't cry), don't go (why, oh why?)
不要哭泣 别就这样离开我
Won't lie, I fuckin' love you (don't cry, don't cry)
我没说谎 我对你的爱都是真情实意
(triple extension on my motherfuckin' afterlife)
我的来世 即是永恒 XXX也已永垂不朽
Don't cry (don't cry, don't cry), don't go (why, oh why oh why)
不要哭泣 别就这样离开我
Won't lie, I fuckin' love you (don't cry) don't cry
我没说谎 我对你的爱都是真情实意
Don't cry, stay tuned
不要哭泣 对Lil Tunechi保持关注
And triple extension on my motherfuckin' afterlife
我的来世 即是永恒 XXX也已永垂不朽
Rest in paradise
1.I Love You Dwayne
2.Don’t Cry
5.Let It Fly
6.Can't Be Broken
7.Dark Side Of The Moon
8.Mona Lisa
9.What About Me
10.Open Letter
13.Dope Niggaz
15.Took His Time
16.Open Safe
17.Start This Shit Off Right
20.Dope New Gospel
21.Perfect Strangers
22.Used 2
23.Let It All Work Out