Found a job in a great big office
And I really love this place
I got my, my very own
Scotch tape dispenser
And I got a private parking space, ha
And I got a coffee mug with my, with my name right on it
In big bold letters so everyone knows it's mine
Don't even touch it 'cause it doesn't belong to you
I'm watching you, so don't get funny
I'm climbing up, up the corporate ladder
Watch out, it's dog eat dog
Nose against the grindstone, it feels alright
Watch out, well, it's dog eat dog
Here we go
I love to watch my boss get angry
So I can count the veins in his neck, ha
Every day is like a picnic
Every Friday, get a check
Well, do I smell jelly donuts?
This is my lucky day
I'll have some coffee with a carcinogenic sweetener
Hold on a minute, just one more jelly donut
They'll never miss it, no, they'll never miss it
I'm climbing up, up the corporate ladder
Watch out, well, it's dog eat dog
Nose against the grindstone, it feels alright
Watch out, hey, well, it's dog eat dog
I can't believe this is all really happening
I can't believe that
I'm really sitting here
I tell myself, "This is not my beautiful stapler"
I tell myself, "This is not my beautiful chair"
Nobody's sure what
I do hereAnd that's just fine with me
Five o'clock is here much too soon now'
Cause I just never wanna leave
I can bend paper clips into the shapes of small animals
Maybe I could get on, on
David Letterman
I think I made a big mistake
Where's my liquid paper?
Where's my liquid paper?
I'm climbing up, way up the corporate ladder now
Watch out, it's dog eat dog
Nose against the grindstone, it feels alright
Better be careful now, it's dog eat dog
Watch me work, hey, hey, stand back now
Look out, mama, it's dog eat dog
Nose against the grindstone, it feels real good
Hey, dog eat dog
Here we go, dog eat dog
Say, dog eat dog
Hey, hey, dog eat dog
Say, dog eat dog
Here we go, dog eat dog
Dog eat dog
Dog eat dog
Dog eat dog
Dog eat dog
1.Another One Rides The Bus
2.Polkas On 45
3.Eat It
4.I Lost On Jeopardy
6.One More Minute
7.Like A Surgeon
8.Dare To Be Stupid
9.Dog Eat Dog
14.The Biggest Ball Of Twine In Minnesota
15.Trigger Happy
16.Smells Like Nirvana
17.You Don’t Love Me Anymore
18.Bedrock Anthem
19.Frank’s 2000 TV
20.Jurassic Park
21.Since You’ve Been Gone
22.Amish Paradise
24.Everything You Know Is Wrong
25.The Night Santa Went Crazy
26.Your Horoscope For Today
27.It’s All About The Pentiums
28.The Saga Begins
32.Hardware Store
33.I’ll Sue Ya
34.Canadian Idiot
36.Don’t Download This Song
37.White & Nerdy
38.Trapped In The Drive-Thru