{Mr. Mackey} (Eric Cartman)
And everyone should get along..
Okay children quiet down, quiet down
好啦 孩子们 静下来 静下来
Children I'd like to introduce our new substitute teacher for the day
His name is Mr. Shady
你们可以称呼他为 Shady老师
孩子们 请安静下来
Children quiet down please
Brian don't throw that (SHUT UP!)
Mr. Shady will be your new substitute
因为Kaniff老师得肺炎请假了(他是基佬 得艾滋了!)
while Mr. Kaniff is out with pneumonia (HE'S GOT AIDS!)
好运 Shady老师
Good luck Mr. Shady
嗨 小朋友们(去你妈的)
Hi there little boys and girls (FUCK YOU!)
Today we're gonna to learn how to poison squirrels
但首先 我想介绍一下 我的朋友Bob(哈?)
But first, I'd like you to meet my friend Bob (Huh?)
问候一下大家好 Bob!(大家好Bob)Bob30岁了还和妈妈住一起
Say hi Bob! ("Hi Bob") Bob's 30 and still lives with his mom
他没工作 因为他一天到晚在家抽大麻
and he don't got a job, cause Bob sits at home and smokes pot
他12岁的弟弟 却把他当偶像
but his twelve-year old brother looks up to him an awful lot
And Bob likes to hang out at the local waffle spot
and wait in the parking lot for waitresses off the clock
天黑的时候 看着像他在遛狗
when it's late and the lot gets dark and fake like he walks his dog
Drag 'em in the woods and go straight to the chopping blocks (AHH!)
就算她们能逃出魔掌 找到警察
And even if they escaped and they got the cops
她们还是很害怕 最终会放弃起诉
the ladies would all be so afraid, they would drop the charge
直到有天晚上 Stacey夫人下班
'til one night Mrs. Stacey went off the job
她被人捂住脸 被恐吓不要出声
when she felt someone grab her whole face and said not to talk
但Stacey知道是Bob 她说 住手!
But Stacey knew it was Bob and said knock it off
但Bob不可能会住手 因为他已经失去理智疯掉了
But Bob wouldn't knock it off cause he's crazy and off his rocker
Crazier than Slim Shady is off the vodka
You couldn't even take him to Dre's to get Bob a "Dr."
他拖住Stacey的腿 把它们砍断
He grabbed S tace' by the legs as chopped it off her
然后把她扔到湖里 就为了让警察发现
and dropped her off in the lake for the cops to find her
But ever since the day Stacey went off to wander
没人发现她的遗体 Bob也仍然每天华夫饼店门口晃悠
they never found her, and Bob still hangs at the waffle diner
看 这就是Bob和大麻的故事
And that's the story of Bob and his marijuana,
and what it might do to you
所以把大麻喂给小松鼠吃吧 大麻对小朋友身体不好哦
So see if the squirrels want any - it's bad for you
Chorus: Mr. Mackey (Eminem)
孩子们 毒品是大怪兽(对吧)
See children, drugs are bahhhd (c'mon)
你们要是不信我 问问你们老爸(问问他)
and if you don't believe me, ask ya dahhhd (ask him man)
你们要是不信老爸 问问你们老妈(对啊)
and if you don't believe him, ask ya mom (that's right)
但我不能保证 她说不定会告诉你她一直都有吸(她会啊)
She'll tell you how she does 'em all the time (she will)
所以 小朋友们别沾毒品哦(乖~)
So kids say no to drugs (that's right)
So you don't act like everyone else does (uh-huh)
Then there's really nothin else to say (sing along)
毒品是大怪兽 知道了吧?
Drugs are just bad, mmm'kay?
我的丁丁和花生一样大 你们见过吗?
My penis is the size of a peanut, have you seen it?
他妈的肯定没见过啊 根本看不见 太小了喂 像花生一样啊(哈?)
FUCK NO you ain't seen it, it's the size of a peanut (Huh?)
说到花生 你们知道还有什么会危害小松鼠吗?
Speakin of peanuts, you know what else is bad for squirrels?
Ecstasy is the worst drug in the world
要是有人给你吃 千万别伸手
If someone ever offers it to you, don't do it
孩子们 两小片就可能吸干你的脊液
Kids two hits'll probably drain all your spinal fluid
脊液没了 就没了 医生也没办法哦
and spinal fluid is final, you won't get it back
所以 别碰它 它会侵蚀你的每一根骨头
So don't get attached, it'll attack every bone in your back
看看Zach 今年21岁了
Meet Zach, twenty-one years old
有次和哥们儿在派对上玩嗨了 想事情不过脑子
After hangin out with some friends at a frat party, he gets bold
一下吃了5片摇头丸 因为有5个哥们儿劝他吃
and decides to try five, when he's bribed by five guys
看 你不可能斗得过同辈压力的
and peer pressure will win every time you try to fight it
刚咽下去 他就开始剧烈抽搐 脉搏都快跳炸了
Suddenly, he starts to convulse and his pulse goes into hyperdrive
and his eyes roll back in his skull {blblblblblb}
他的背 弓得像麦当劳的logo一样
His back starts tah - look like the McDonald's Arches
直挺挺地倒在地毯上 止不住狂吐(呕)
He's on Donald's carpet, layin horizontal barfin {BLEH}
And everyone in the apartment starts laughin at him
“嘿 Adam! Zach是个蠢蛋 看看他那怂样!”
"Hey Adam, Zach is a jackass, look at him!"
因为他们都吃了摇头丸但还好好的 所以觉得Zach太怂
cause they took it too, so they think it's funny
So they're laughing at basically nothing except maybe wasting his money
这时 Zach昏迷了 一动不动
Meanwhile, Zach's in a coma, the action is over
他的脊背和肩膀都高高地隆起 就像在练瑜伽一样
and his back and his shoulders hunched up like he's practicin yoga
呐 这就是Zach的故事 一个吃摇头丸发疯的人
And that's the story of Zach, the ecstasy maniac
所以连小松鼠都不能喂 危害太大了
So don't even feed that to squirrels class, cause it's bad for you
Chorus: Mr. Mackey (Eminem)
孩子们 毒品是大怪兽(对吧)
See children, drugs are bahhhd (c'mon)
你们要是不信我 问问你们老爸(问问他)
and if you don't believe me, ask ya dahhhd (ask him man)
你们要是不信老爸 问问你们老妈(对啊)
and if you don't believe him, ask ya mom (that's right)
但我不能保证 她说不定会告诉你她一直都有吸(她会啊)
She'll tell you how she does 'em all the time (she will)
所以 小朋友们别沾毒品哦(乖~)
So kids say no to drugs (that's right)
So you don't act like everyone else does (uh-huh)
Then there's really nothin else to say (sing along)
毒品是大怪兽 知道了吧?
Drugs are just bad, mmm'kay?
最后强调一点 年轻人 现在还有一个很重要的问题
And last but not least, one of the most humungous
那就是 真菌
problems among young people today, is fungus
它生长在牛粪里 人们捡出来 洗干净
It grows from cow manure, they pick it out, wipe it off,
包装一下 然后就进到你嘴里 你还嚼得一身是劲
bag it up, and you put it right in your mouth and chew it
Yum yum! Then you start to see some dumb stuff
再吃一点 身边所有东西都慢下来
And everything slows down when you eat some of 'em..
And sometimes you see things that aren't there (Like what?)
Like fat woman in G-strings with orange hair
(Shady老师 什么是丁字裤?)我随口编的 小Claire
(Mr. Shady what's a G-string?) It's yarn Claire
女人们把它粘在背上 然后穿出去(哈?)
Women stick 'em up their behinds, go out and wear 'em (Huh?)
And if you swallow too much of the magic mushrooms
Whoops, did I say magic mushrooms?
我指的是真菌!吃了之后你的舌头会肿大 变得像牛舌头一样(为什么啊?)
I meant fungus Ya tongue gets, all swoll up like a cow's tongue (How come?)
cause it comes from a cow's dung (Gross!!)
看 毒品真不是什么好东西 这是常识
See drugs are bad, it's a common fact
可你们爸爸妈妈 知道那是我最懂的东西(哦!)
But your mom and dad, know that's all that I'm good at (Oh!)
但别学我 要是你长大了 染上毒品 吸食过量出事了
But don't be me, cause if you grow up and you go and O.D.
他们会来找我算账的 到时候我就得留着山羊胡
They're gonna come for me and I'ma have to grow a goatee
伪装起来找地方躲着 因为他们觉得是我带坏了你们
and get a disguise and hide, cause it'll be my fault
所以别碰毒品 千万别学我
So don't do drugs, and do exactly as I don't,
cause I'm bad for you
Chorus: Mr. Mackey (Eminem)
孩子们 毒品是大怪兽(对吧)
See children, drugs are bahhhd (c'mon)
你们要是不信我 问问你们老爸(问问他)
and if you don't believe me, ask ya dahhhd (ask him man)
你们要是不信老爸 问问你们老妈(对啊)
and if you don't believe him, ask ya mom (that's right)
但我不能保证 她说不定会告诉你她一直都有吸(她会啊)
She'll tell you how she does 'em all the time (she will)
所以 小朋友们别沾毒品哦(乖~)
So kids say no to drugs (that's right)
So you don't act like everyone else does (uh-huh)
Then there's really nothin else to say (sing along)
毒品是大怪兽 知道了吧?
Drugs are just bad, mmm'kay?
{Mr. Mackey} (Eric Cartman)
来来 孩子们 鼓掌(闭嘴!)
Come on children, clap along (SHUT UP!)
一起跟着唱 孩子们(去你妈的)
Sing along children (Suck my motherfuckin dick!)
毒品不是什么好东西 真不是什么好东西(南方公园要告我啦!)
Drugs are just bad, drugs are just bad (South Park is gonna sue me!)
So don't do drugs (Suck my motherfuckin penis!)
so there'll be more for me (Hippie! God damnit!)
(So, fucked up, right now..)