Cold Wind Blows

Cause some things just don't change
总有些事 将缔造永恒
It's better when they stay the same
所以最好恪守 一成不可变
Althought the whole world knows your name
So on the biggest days they came to see you spit your game
在更广阔的舞台上 人们成群结队 来看你满口狂喷
It shouldn't be difficult to explain
所以 不难解释
Just why you came back again, you hate the fame
为什么你又回来了 你厌恶声名鹊起
Love the game, cold as ice you remain
却爱极了这场饶舌游戏 你依然 冷若寒冰
Fuck em' all, tell 'em all eat shit, here we go again
操翻所有人 让他们全滚去吃屎 爷又回来了
So, god damn...
Is it that time again already
Haha, you don't look too happy to see me
哈哈 你丫看见爷好像不太开心
Fuck man, don't everybody welcome me back at once
操 不是每个人都会立马热情欢迎爷的回归
All right, fuck ya'll then
对 操翻那些人好了
You can get the dick, just call me the ballsac, I'm nuts
你丫也可以有蛋的其实 只要喊爷蛋袋子就好了 爷袋子里有蛋
Michael Vick in this bitch, fall back you mutts
记得Vick当年怎么斗狗的么 滚回去 狗杂种
Fuck your worms, you never seen such a sick puppy
他妈的 像染了病毒一样 你一定没见过像爷这样的怂包
Fuck it a sick duck, I'm on my duck sick mummy
操 像一只病鸭子 妈 爷小弟弟等你吸
And my nuts, lick, gobble 'em up trick, yummy
爷的蛋等你舔 快来咬他们 一定美味
Bitch you don't fucking think that I know that you suck dick dummy?
贱婊 你他妈的以为爷不知道你爱吸那玩意儿?
You'll get your butt kicked, fuck all that love shit honey
你他妈的有多远滚多远 什么你侬我侬浪漫爱情 都是屁
Yeah I laugh when I call you a slut, it's funny!
对 爷笑了 喊你荡妇 爷开心
Shawty dance while I diss you to the beat, fuck the words
感觉爷歌节奏带劲 就跟着跳舞 操!你们知不知道歌词
You don't listen to 'em anyway, yeah struck a nerve sucker
算了 反正你也不听爷在唱什么 触动你神经了 可怜虫
Motherfucker might aswell let my lips pucker
蠢蛋 不妨撅起嘴唇
Like Elton John, cause I'm just a mean cock sucker
像Elton John那样 因为爷就是个混小子
This shit is on, cause you wen't and pissed me off
你先挑起祸端的 你把爷惹毛了
Now I'm sitting and pissing on everbody
Give a fuck if it's right or wrong
So buck the buddah, light a bong
But take a look at mariah the next time I inspire you to write a song, cmon
看看花蝴蝶 你想让爷也逼你写歌来骂爷 那就放马过来
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, I'm as cold as the cold wind blows
爷冰冷刺骨 如凛冽寒风
When it snows and it's twenty be-low
在零下二十度 暴雪肆虐时 呼号大作
Ask me why man I just don't know know know know know know know
I'm as cold as the cold wind blows blo-blo-blo-blo-blo-blows
Oh oh oh oh oh
Fuck it I'm a loose cannon, Bruce Banner's back in the booth
操 爷我行我素不计后果惯了 布鲁斯版纳(绿巨人)在后面电话亭呢
Ya'll are sitting ducks, I'm the only goose standing
你们这些病鸡 爷是唯一的鹤
I set the world on fire, piss on it, put it out
爷要让熊熊大火蔓延整个世界 然后一泡尿浇灭它
Stick my dick in a circle, but I'm not fucking around motherfucker
把爷的鸟套在环里 注意 爷可不是在胡搞
I'll show you pussy footin, I'll kick a bitch in the cunt
他妈的 爷要给你们演示什么叫畏首畏尾缩手缩脚
Til it makes her queef and sounds like a fucking whoopy cushion
爷要踢爆你个贱婊的黑木耳 直到你发出像坐在放屁坐垫一样的声音
Who the fuck is you pushin', you musta mistook me for some sissy
你他妈的以为你在侍奉谁呢? 你把爷当成那几个
Soft punk looking for some nookie or boosom
Go ahead, fucking hater push me
滚远点 他妈的喷子们 别逼爷
I told you ain't no fucking way to shush me
想嘘爷?爷他妈告诉你 门都没有
Call me a f**got cause I hate a pussy
给爷叫个基佬来 因为爷讨厌娘娘腔啊
Man the fuck up sissy, G's up
他妈的 娘炮
All you gardeners freeze up, put your hoes down (shady ease up!)
Man chill, nah I can't god damnit
“Shady 淡定 别激动”
Rappers are land fill, drop the anvil
他妈的 谁能淡定 现在饶舌界简直就是垃圾场
These are shoes that you can't fill
别瞎忙活了 爷的范儿你学不来
Shit the day that happens the world'll stop spinning
And Michael J. Fox'll come to a stand still
Michael J Fox(帕金森患者)在地震中能站稳了
During an earthquake, urine in your face
兴许那天你会超过爷 看看你脸上的尿
Cause you're fake, ahh what the fuck, that hurt wait!
因为你丫太虚伪 “啊!什么鬼?疼死了!慢着
Ahh what the fuck, I just got struck by lightening
Alright then I quit, god I give up
好吧 这天 爷才会退出这场游戏 天神在上 我放弃
Call it evil that men do, lord forgive me for what my pen do
我作恶多端 遗臭万年 神 请原谅我 原谅我狂喷乱骂的笔
This is for your sins, I cleanse you
“你的罪恶我已知晓 我宽恕你 你可以忏悔
You can repent but I warn you, if you continue
但请铭记 如若不改 我便将你打入地狱“
To hell I'll send you, and just then the wind blew and I said
就在这时 寒风大作 我说
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, I'm as cold as the cold wind blows
爷冰冷刺骨 如凛冽寒风
When it snows and it's twenty be-low
在零下二十度 暴雪肆虐时 呼号大作
Ask me why man I just don't know know know know know know know
I'm as cold as the cold wind blows blo-blo-blo-blo-blo-blows
Oh oh oh oh oh
How long will I be this way? Shady until my dying day
爷还会在这条路上走多久? Shady永远是Shady 至死方休
Til I hang up the mic and it's time for me to say
So long, til then i drop the fucking bombs
在那之前 爷会一直狂轰滥炸
Like i miss the pass when I went long
If you don't like it you can kiss my ass in a lint thong
你要不喜欢 来向爷丁字裤下的屁股献上你的吻
Now sing along, slut this, slut that, learn the words to the song
一起唱 贱婊这荡妇那 听听歌里的词!
Oh bitches don't like that, homie I'll be nicer to women
“哦 贱婊不会喜欢的“ 哥们儿 爷保证以后对女人友好点
When the aqua man drowns and the human torch starts swimming
等到水行侠淹死 霹雳火下水游泳那天
Man I'm a cold soul, I roll solo so
哥们儿 爷躯壳下是个冰冷的灵魂 爷习惯了单打独斗
So don't compare me to them other bums over there
It's like apples to oranges, peaches to plums yeah
就像苹果和橘子 桃子和李子
I'm bananas pussy, cut off the grapes and grow a pair
我是香蕉 娘炮 切串葡萄下来 这样你就有蛋了
But I swear, you try to diss me, I'll slaughter you
爷警告你 你丫胆敢在爷头上动土 爷不弄死你
I put that on everything, like everyone does with auto-tune
爷这句话搁哪都适用 就像现在歌手搁啥都修音
That last thing you wanna do is have me spit out a rhyme
你丫最好祈祷 爷下一首歌不会喷你
And say I was writing this and I thought of you so
祈祷不会听见“爷现在写这首歌 是因为爷想到你了“
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, I'm as cold as the cold wind blows
爷冰冷刺骨 如凛冽寒风
When it snows and it's twenty be-low
在零下二十度 暴雪肆虐时 呼号大作
Ask me why man I just don't know know know know know know know
I'm as cold as the cold wind blows blo-blo-blo-blo-blo-blo-blows
Oh oh oh oh oh
I don't know, I don't know what caused, I don't know what caused me to be this wayme to be this way
不知道 不知道 到底为什么 不知道 怎么会变成这样
I don't know, I don't know by I probably be this way til my dying day
不知道 不知道 但我会一直走在这条路上 直到倒下那一天
I don't know why I'm so, I'm so cold beat bangs, I don't need to say
不知道 为什么 我好冷 不知道在说什么
1.Cold Wind Blows
2.Talkin' 2 Myself
3.On Fire
4.Won't Back Down
6.Going Through Changes
7.Not Afraid
9.No Love
10.Space Bound
11.Cinderella Man
12.25 to Life
13.So Bad
14.Almost Famous
15.Love the Way You Lie
16.You're Never Over
17.Untitled (hidden track)
19.Session One