You were nailed to a cross
Punished left for dead
Die among thieves
End of an ungraceful life
You said you'd return
To save our sinful minds
I see nothing of power
Only words of lies
I rip from you, your crown
Slaughter your weak servant fools
I denounce you king
For there is no god
**** the heavens
Tales of ecstasy
No paradise awaits
Whom I receive my soul I enslave
Can you believe
Words of a prophet
No paradise awaits
1.Decimate Christendom
2.Blaspheme the Sacraments
3.Dying Divinity
4.Oath of Armageddon
5.Merciless Tyranny
6.Eternal Darkness Under Conquered Skies
7.Thorns of Everlasting Persecution
8.Horns of Eradication
9.Unholy Empowerment of Righteous Deprivation
10.No Paradise Awaits
11.Exiling righteousness
12.Feeble Existence