Revelation foreseen
Befalling prophecies
Brutal persecutions
Deeds of death
Fulfilling the prophecy
Thousands of faithful fools
Revelation foreseen
Befalling prophecies
Crucified, beheaded
Thrown to the Beast
Lost in obscurity
Revelation foreseen
Befalling prophecies
Crucified, beheaded
Thrown to the Beast
Merciless barbarians
Decides your fate
1.Decimate Christendom
2.Blaspheme the Sacraments
3.Dying Divinity
4.Oath of Armageddon
5.Merciless Tyranny
6.Eternal Darkness Under Conquered Skies
7.Thorns of Everlasting Persecution
8.Horns of Eradication
9.Unholy Empowerment of Righteous Deprivation
10.No Paradise Awaits
11.Exiling righteousness
12.Feeble Existence