Rising from the dead
Now immortal
Carrying out
My Satanic decree
Left unfinished
True coldness
Unbridled cruelty
Petulant arrogance
Your ethereal infamy
To ensure retribution
Holy extermination
A foretold vengeance
Everlasting inequity
Of your bastard's fate
You ethereal infamy
To ensure retribution
We await your return
When his disciples
Will burn once again
1.Decimate Christendom
2.Blaspheme the Sacraments
3.Dying Divinity
4.Oath of Armageddon
5.Merciless Tyranny
6.Eternal Darkness Under Conquered Skies
7.Thorns of Everlasting Persecution
8.Horns of Eradication
9.Unholy Empowerment of Righteous Deprivation
10.No Paradise Awaits
11.Exiling righteousness
12.Feeble Existence