Carry guilt of sin
For a god in their minds
Creation of an idol
Bound to this book of lies
Judging the unfaithful
Confound in their words
Hide behind holy laws
Proclaiming to be pure
Hollow words
Manifested lies
Certain it will come
Of their lives
All that worship
All the gods
1.Decimate Christendom
2.Blaspheme the Sacraments
3.Dying Divinity
4.Oath of Armageddon
5.Merciless Tyranny
6.Eternal Darkness Under Conquered Skies
7.Thorns of Everlasting Persecution
8.Horns of Eradication
9.Unholy Empowerment of Righteous Deprivation
10.No Paradise Awaits
11.Exiling righteousness
12.Feeble Existence