Sacrilege has devoured
All holy entities
Breaking bonds of faiths
And ideologies
Mindless blind devotion
Fails to purify
Life everlasting
These souls of christ denied
Desecrate christendom
Decimate christendom
Undaunted wrath consumes
Every likeness of god
Abolished realms of these
Sacred idols now debris
1.Decimate Christendom
2.Blaspheme the Sacraments
3.Dying Divinity
4.Oath of Armageddon
5.Merciless Tyranny
6.Eternal Darkness Under Conquered Skies
7.Thorns of Everlasting Persecution
8.Horns of Eradication
9.Unholy Empowerment of Righteous Deprivation
10.No Paradise Awaits
11.Exiling righteousness
12.Feeble Existence