Marge:Sharry, you did the best you could, but you can't change this family and neither can I.
From now on, I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride.
Sharry Bobbins:But haven't I taught you people anything?
Maggie:(suck suck suck)
Sharry Bobbins:So you like it this way?
Around the house,
I never lift a finger.
As a husband and father,
I'm subpar.
I'd rather drink a beer
Than win Father of the Year.
I'm happy with things the way they are.
Lisa:I'm getting used to never getting noticed.
Bart:I'm stuck here till I can steal a car.
Marge:The house is still a mess
And I'm going bald from stress.
Marge, Bart and Lisa:But we're happy just the way we are.
Flanders:They're not perfect,
But the Lord says, "Love thy neighbor."
Homer:Shut up, Flanders!
Sharry Bobbins:Don't think it's sour grapes,
But you're all a bunch of apes,
And so I must be leaving you!
Bart and Lisa:Goodbye, Sharry Bobbins.
Marge:Thanks for everything.
Barney Gumble:So long, Superman.
Lisa: Do you think we'll ever see her again?
Homer:I'm sure we will, honey.
I'm sure we will.