Girl, our mamas' are best friends and so are we
姑娘啊 咱们的妈妈是好闺蜜 咱们也是多年好友
The whole town is rootin' for us, like the home team
整个镇子全力支持着我们 如同我们是家乡的球队
Most likely to settle down
Plant a few roots real deep and let 'em grow
将根深深扎在我们的家乡 任其自由生长
But we can't stop this real world from spinnin' us
现实的世界迷乱着你我的双眼 我们无法阻止
Your bright lights called, I don't blame you for pickin' up
你被外面的繁华吸引 我不会责备重拾梦想的你
Your big dream bags are all packed up and ready to go
已经收拾好行囊 随时准备动身
But I just need you to know
I love you more than a California sunset
More than a beer when you ain't 21 yet
More than a Sunday morning Lord
迷途的灵魂终被拯救 我感怀上苍
Turnin' some poor lost souls around, Hallelujah bound
I love you more than the feelin' when the bass hits the hook
故事的结局 小伙子终于得到她的姑娘
When a guy gets the girl at the end of the book
但是亲爱的 也许今夜是我最后一次躺在你的身旁
But baby this might be the last time I get to lay you down
因为我无法 爱你胜过我的家乡
'Cause I can't love you more than my hometown
我不是个爱逃避的人 但我也改不了我的性子
我的心已经镶嵌在了这些街道中 就像路旁铁轨一样
I ain't the runaway kind, I can't change that
城里的夜空 不会像这边一样深邃
My heart is stuck in these streets like the train tracks
而只要想到这些 就会让我深感遗憾
City sky ain't the same black
Ain't that a map dot shame, man to think that
I love you more than a California sunset
迷途的灵魂终被拯救 我感怀上苍
More than a beer when you ain't 21 yet
More than a Sunday morning Lord
故事的结局 小伙子终于得到她的姑娘
Turnin' some poor lost souls around, and Hallelujah bound
但是亲爱的 也许今夜是我最后一次躺在你的身旁
I love you more than the feelin' when the bass hits the hook
因为我无法 爱你胜过我的家乡
When a guy gets the girl at the end of the book
你眼神中闪烁的野性光芒 是我生来没有的模样
But baby this might be the last time I get to lay you down
我还是习惯大清早去加油站 喝一杯每天都有的咖啡
'Cause I can't love you more than my hometown
我想在山上和你搭间房子 而不是在城里
所以记住这些话吧 即使城中大道会让你逐渐忘记这一切
You got a wild in your eyes that I just wasn't born with
I'm same gas station cup of coffee in the morning
I need a house on the hill, girl, not in them
不爱那辆装着你的行李 即将上路的车
So hang onto these words 'til them avenues help you forget them
'但我最恨的是 你将离开我的生活
'Cause I love you more than a California sunset
故事的结局 小伙子终于得到她的姑娘
I love you more in a 20-dollar sundress
但我们并非故事中那样 我想我依然会再见到你
Hate that loaded down car you got your keys in
只是我无法 爱你胜过我的家乡
Girl, but I hate it even more that you're leavin
'Cause I love you more than the feelin' when the bass hits the hook
When a guy gets the girl at the end of the book
But that ain't you and me so I guess I'll see you around
'Cause I can't love you more than my hometown
Love you more than my hometown
Love you more than my hometown
Love you more, baby, love you more
1.Bandaid On A Bullet Hole (Target)
2.Sand In My Boots
3.Wasted On You
4.Somebody’s Problem
5.More Surprised Than Me
8.Neon Eyes
10.Whiskey’d My Way
11.Wonderin’ Bout The Wind
12.Your Bartender
13.Only Thing That’s Gone
14.Cover Me Up
15.7 Summers
16.More Than My Hometown
17.Still Goin Down
18.Rednecks, Red Letters, Red Dirt
20.Beer Don’t
21.Blame It On Me
22.Somethin’ Country
23.This Bar
24.Country A$$ Shit
25.Whatcha Think Of Country Now
26.Need A Boat
27.Silverado For Sale
28.Heartless (Wallen Album Mix)
29.Me On Whiskey
30.This Side Of A Dust Cloud (Target)
31.Quittin’ Time
32.Livin’ The Dream
33.Sand In My Boots (The Dangerous Sessions) (Bonus)