Let's make love through war and more,by the bearing of desire and discord.
See the soldiers marching forth, on the carnage colored dew of evermore.
Dressed in uniforms of gray,wearing stockings marching gladly to decay.
Crushing sternly through the storm; rising gently to the stillness of the calm
Domination and dismay, turn the conquered into casualties of prey
See the implements of strife, being rendered through the opening of life
On the meadows of discord;,shall the whispered yarns of massacre befall
Make love.....and war make love...... and war
Let's make love to war and more,on the crimson colored plains where ravens soar
Dressed in uniforms of night, wearing scarlet colored stockings to excite.
Once the conflict has curtailed, wine and song shall serve to fortify the brave.
Paying homage to the sun, keeping welted bodies warm and safe from harm.
In the harmony of peace, aching bodies shall make love to raise relief.
In compliance with untruth, only victory revised shall be approved.
Let's make love through war and more, let's make love in ways unknown to man before.
make love,and war. make love,and war
1.Beloved Kitty and the Piercing Bolts of Amor
2.Ashen Like Love and Black Like the Snow
3.Hunting for the Black September
4.Flowers and Moonshine in My Garden of Eden
5.Liebe Utopia on Weaves of Silken Carnage
6.Make Love and War
7.Passing Eyes in Mimers Well
8.Ode to the Beloved and Impaired
9.Never Before at the Beauty of Spring