In the woods there grew a tree
And a fine fine tree was he
And on that tree there was a limb
在树的上面 有一根树枝
And on that limb there was a branch
在树枝上面 有一根树杈
And on that branch there was a nest
在树杈上面 有一个鸟窝
And in that nest there was an egg
在鸟窝里面 有一颗鸟蛋
And in that egg there was a bird
在鸟蛋里面 有一只小鸟
And from that bird a feather came
从小鸟身上 掉下根羽毛
And of that feather was a bed
羽毛蓬又蓬 变成一张床
在床的上面 有一个女人
And on that bed there was a girl
在女人上面 有一个男人
And on that girl there was a man
在男人上面 有一颗种子
And on that man there was a seed
在种子上面 有一个男孩
And on that seed there was a boy
男孩长大了 变成了男人
And from that boy there was a man
留给男人的 是一座坟墓
And for that man there was a grave
从坟墓上面 长出一棵树
And from that grave there grew a tree
在树的上面 有一根树枝
在树枝上面 有一根树杈
And on that tree there was a limb
在树杈上面 有一个鸟窝
And on that limb there was a branch
在鸟窝里面 有一颗鸟蛋
And on that branch there was a nest
在鸟蛋里面 有一只小鸟
And in that nest there was an egg
从小鸟身上 掉下根羽毛
And in that egg there was a bird
羽毛蓬又蓬 变成一张床
And from that bird a feather came
在床的上面 有一个女人
And of that feather was a bed
在女人上面 有一个男人
在男人上面 有一颗种子
And on that bed there was a girl
在种子上面 有一个男孩
And on that girl there was a man
男孩长大了 变成了男人
And on that man there was a seed
留给男人的 是一座坟墓
And on that seed there was a boy
从坟墓上面 长出一棵树
And from that boy there was a man
在树的上面 有一根树枝
And for that man there was a grave
在树枝上面 有一根树杈
And from that grave there grew a tree
在树杈上面 有一个鸟窝
在鸟窝里面 有一颗鸟蛋
And on that tree there was a limb
在鸟蛋里面 有一只小鸟
And on that limb there was a branch
从小鸟身上 掉下根羽毛
And on that branch there was a nest
羽毛蓬又蓬 变成一张床
And in that nest there was an egg
在床的上面 有一个女人
And in that egg there was a bird
在女人上面 有一个男人
And from that bird a feather came
在男人上面 有一颗种子
And of that feather was a bed
在种子上面 有一个男孩
男孩长大了 变成了男人
And on that bed there was a girl
留给男人的 是一座坟墓
And on that girl there was a man
从坟墓上面 长出一棵树
And on that man there was a seed
And on that seed there was a boy
And from that boy there was a man
And for that man there was a grave
And from that grave there grew a tree