I fell back, I had a baby, you know
鸡姐产子回归 你知道的
I did the mother thing, I did the wife thing
All that, yeah
But I think it's quite clear now
You's need the bad guy
Ayo, I'm the one who run the city where they armed and vicious
谴责他们的虚假说辞 内容实乃虚构
Accusations on them blogs and they all fictitious
我曾经历最真实的街头生活 也兜售过最狠的货
I done been through realest blocks, pushed the hardest sixes
身侧杀手伫立 他们忠心无二 不在乎报酬
Keep a couple killers that don't care how far them licks is, look
B!tches act like they want action
Heard they want action
亲爱的 我可不会躲闪丝毫
B!tch, we ain't duckin' no action
我的吸引力你定难以否认 使他们着眼于我 无法专注
I'm 'bout to give them that traction, send a distraction
我的实力有十分 画上分数线上面添个1便是你的
Then I'ma line 'em like fractions
休整一会 让他们自谋出路 我只见他们狼吞虎咽的模样
Took a break, I let 'em live, look it all 'em eatin'
若我一声令下 这些恶女便妒恨无比
But these b!tches gon' be mad once I call this meetin'
女皇驾到 野鸡请挪窝
'Cause they gotta move around once the queen is queenin'
将狠货尽数带走 只因我上了头
'Bout to put out all this crack 'cause my fiends is fiendin', uh
将这些恶女带入说唱行业 她们应对我舐足膜拜
I put these b!tches on gang, they should be kissin' my feet
想帮她们提高知名度 却被说成恶意引起纷争
I tried to give 'em some press, they tried to say it was beef
姐是妮琪米娜 如小巧的宝石般精致闪耀
It’s Nicki M, such a little gem
恶女们想与我同行 我可不愿与她们厮混
B!tches wanna be around me, but I do not f!ck with them
钻石太多了 都能把你们淹死 希望人没事
All these diamonds on me flooded, I hope nobody gets stuck
坐上我的粉色法拉利 我的槍手亦在一旁盯着你
If I pull out the Ferrari, then my shooters in the truck
随时都可以重返街头 我的身材曼妙人尽皆知
I could still go to my hood, they know my body is good
沙特阿拉伯俱乐部里开个派对 一掷千金我也不甚在意
Two million dollars to party in Saudi Arabian clubs
抽点洛城的烟草 这生活多惬意
Poppin' them things to go up and smokin' Los Angeles bud
这些恶女抄袭我的作品就像乔拜登找人代写就职演说 这得感谢Kamala(Kamala Harris是美国副总统) (bite亦有抄袭的意思 此处Biting like Joe谐音Joe Biden)
These b!tches bitin' like Joe, shout out to Kamala though (Yuh)
作品太差 Diss不到你鸡姐
It's them weak bars thinkin' that she dissin' for me
你的作业我批改完了 水平欠佳(上文语境 "抄作业")
I graded your homework, b!tch, it's incomplete
If you was tryna be my son, then mission complete
你的Rap Game副本里 我是你要打败的最终Boss
I'm the final level b!tch they on a mission to beat
女皇有话要说 就如同Covid病毒般令全世界收声
It's like Covid when the goat is on the track, the whole game stop
我疲于应付这些恶女 这不是GameStop(美国电子游戏零售商)
But I ain't playin' with these b!tches, this ain't GameStop
人间芭比驾到 你就有靠山
If Barbie in the buildin', then she with a gangsta
我让他轻尝一口 他不会犹豫丝毫
He ain't gon' hesitate if I tell him to shank sumn
Just put a beauty parlor in my guest house
你问我的粉色Lambo在哪 隔壁那栋别墅里停着呢
You mean the pink Lamborghini? That's at the next house
床笫之事如此欢愉 让他走路都抬头挺胸(姐夫:我真的一滴都不剩了)
F!ck him so good I got him walkin' with his chest out
希望这些恶女多点真本事 不要老想着追名逐利
I wish these b!tches wanted more talent and less clout
女皇回归 但我会给他们点发挥空间
I fall back, and just give them some space
因为若你已赢得一场比赛 持续得分也毫无意义
'Cause when you already won, what the f!ck is a race?
投身说唱行业需要出卖身体 何其耻辱
Look at them f!ckin' for raps, oh, what a disgrace
我是说唱圈的Alex Rodriguez(美国棒球明星) 当我挥棒 你们都躲开点
I put that on A-rod, none of you b!tches is safe (Uh)
让他难以按耐心中渴望 但公共场所请勿放肆
Make his d!ck get hard soon as I brush up, but we tryna be subtle
我登陆这城市 他们都畏惧得缩成一团 像在冰天雪地里
Whole city go up when the b!tch touch down like them n!ggas in a huddle
那欢爱之事便没了兴致 像在小冰屋里一样
Sex game still cold it's on igloo
口活不错 爱液比胶水更粘稠
Head game slicker than little miss Gorilla Glue
想将我拆吃入腹 那便让我瞧瞧你的本事
He tryna eat it up, I said, come and get it, boo
我正数着大把钞票 但与你有何关系
While I count a mill', jigga what? jigga who?