I'll be coming back to you, Darlene
Back to your dark eyes and hair
Marry me when I return, Darlene
And until that day, my love, take care
Be thee well
May the lord who watches all watch over thee
May God's heaven be you blanket as you softly sleep
Marry me
When you're fin'ly in my arms you'll plainly see
This devoted sailor's heart and soul
Are yours to keep!
Every day from G-M-O-M
"Good morning, old man"
To G-N-O-M
"Good night, old man"
My telegraph sends its messages to ships at sea
Sending out its
Dit dit-dah-dit dah-dit...
Dit dit-dah-dit dah-dit
Dit dit-dah-dit dah-dit...
I was young and shy, detached and sad
Spent my days indoors, a home-bound lad
Hardly spoke, few friends
I kept myself to myself
Quite alone
Then I found Marconi's Telegraph
It couls span the planrt's width by half
Fifty yards, two thousand miles
The same!
Touch the spark... sound the tone
And the night was alive
With a thousand voices
Fighting to be heard
And each and every one of them
Connected to me...
And my life cam alive
With a thousand voices
Tapping out each word
Like a thousand people
Joined with a single heartbeat
Tapping out our Dit dit-dah-dit dah-dit
Dit dit-dah-dit dah-dit
Dit dit-dah-dit dah
Marry me
It's alive with a thousand voices
May the lord who
Watches all
Watch over thee
And every one of them
Connected to me
Marry me
So alive with a thousand voices
May God's heaven be your blanket
As you sleep
Those people
Joined with a single
Tapping out our Dit dit-dah-dit dah-dit
Marry me...
Dit dit-dah-dit dah-dit
Marry me...
Dit dit-dah-dit da
Signed "Fred."
1.Overture / Prologue: In Every Age
2.How Did They Build Titanic?
3.There She Is / Loading Inventory / The Largest Moving Object
4.I Must Get on That Ship
5.The 1st Class Roster
6.Godspeed Titanic
7.Barrett's Song
8.To Be a Captain
9.Lady's Maid
10.What a Remarkable Age This Is!
11.The Proposal / The Night Was Alive
12.Hymn / Doing the Latest Rag
13.I Have Danced
14.No Moon
15.Autumn / Finale
16.Dressed in Your Pyjamas in the Grand Salon
17.The Blame
18.To the Lifeboats / Getting in the Lifeboat / I Must Get on That Ship (Reprise) / Lady's Maid (Reprise) / The Proposal / The Night Was Alive (Reprise) / Canons
19.We'll Meet Tomorrow
21.To Be a Captain (Reprise)
22.Mr. Andrews Vision
23.Epilogue: In Every Age (Reprise) / Finale