Colonel john jacob astor
And mrs astor too
Arriving now from the boat train
Direct from waterloo station
May procced to their parlour suite
Her name is madeleine
She's john jacob astor's second wife
She's only nineteen years old
And now she's married to a prominent man
Worth over a hundred and fifty million
And twenty-nine years her senior
They've only been married seven months
She's already seven months pregnant
And the scandal was such
They ran away to europe to avoid the publicity
Avoid the publicity
Mr and mrs isidor straus may proceed to parlour suite b-55
Aren't they modest
You'd never think by looking at them
That he and his brother own macy's department store
Own macy's department store
And he was very close advisor
To president grover cleveland
And served in the house of representatives
Two full terms
And that's his wife of forty years named ida
Sad she hasn't been well
So the two of them have been wintering
On the french riviera
French riviera
Mr benjamin guggenheim and party will find his customary
Suite on a deck
Made his money by smelting gold
Spends it like water
Forty-five hundred dollars for
The louis quatorze suite
So he can live in luxurious sin
With his latest mistress
And they call that justice
They call that justice
Mr and mrs george widener may proceed to promenade suite b-51
He's the richest man in philadelphia
Mr and mrs john b thayer and family promenade suite b-58
Vice president of the pennsylvania railroad
Mrs charlotte drake cardoza suite b-54
No one really knows who she is
But the newspaper says she booked
The most expensive suite on the ship
And travels with fourteen steamer trunks
A medicine chest
Her personal pillows and sheets
And four little pekinese dogs
So she must be somebody
She must be somebody
Last call for boarding
This is the very last call for boarding
Lift up the ramp
Let go the lines
Raise up her colours and designs
Prepare for casting off
And through the port we'll slip
Each person standing at the rail
Let one great thought prevail
One single prayer
God bless this noble ship
1.Overture / Prologue: In Every Age
2.How Did They Build Titanic?
3.There She Is / Loading Inventory / The Largest Moving Object
4.I Must Get on That Ship
5.The 1st Class Roster
6.Godspeed Titanic
7.Barrett's Song
8.To Be a Captain
9.Lady's Maid
10.What a Remarkable Age This Is!
11.The Proposal / The Night Was Alive
12.Hymn / Doing the Latest Rag
13.I Have Danced
14.No Moon
15.Autumn / Finale
16.Dressed in Your Pyjamas in the Grand Salon
17.The Blame
18.To the Lifeboats / Getting in the Lifeboat / I Must Get on That Ship (Reprise) / Lady's Maid (Reprise) / The Proposal / The Night Was Alive (Reprise) / Canons
19.We'll Meet Tomorrow
21.To Be a Captain (Reprise)
22.Mr. Andrews Vision
23.Epilogue: In Every Age (Reprise) / Finale