With a clear view of the endless plateau below
从高空俯视着 广袤无垠的高原
Vultures are quick to spot any opportunity.
秃鹫们不会放过 任何一个机会
A dead yak has drawn a crowd.
一头死牦牛 吸引了一群秃鹫前来
Vultures aren't famous for their table manners.
秃鹫 以粗暴的就餐礼仪而闻名
The vultures do well here
但在这里秃鹫们 却表现的很好
As the vast Tibetan wilderness is home to many large creatures.
因为广阔的西藏荒原 有足够多的大型生物
Living in herds of up to 200 in the remoter corners of the Tibetan plateau
居住在西藏高原偏远角落的野牦牛群居的数量 甚至可能达到200只
Wild yaks travel large distances,grazing on the alpine tundra.
他们走过遥远的距离 来到高山上的冻土地带寻觅食物
Strong and secure over mountain passes and rivers.
The yak is in its element at altitude
so much so that it gets sick if it goes below 3,000 metres.
Standing two metres tall at the shoulder and weighing more than 800 kilos
牦牛身高2米 体重超过800千克
The wild yak is both formidable and aggressive.
But without this fearsome creature
但若没有这种 看起来吓人的生物
It's unlikely that humans would have survived up here.
Once domesticated,the yak is an amazing animal
一旦被驯服 牦牛的作用会让人倍感惊喜
providing the Tibetans with transport, food,wool for clothes and tents
它为藏民提供运输 食物做衣物和帐篷的毛
And manure for fuel.