All Your Fault (Remix)

I'm so tired
Of all the problems you've been causin' me (ha—ha—ha)
We are not cool no mo' as far as I can see
在我看来 我们无法释怀了
You kicked me down
I've fallen, I'm crawlin'
我已经堕落 像一条蛆似的往前爬
It's all your fault
Mo' money, mo' problems it is
Now I'm back to writin' my lyrical novel again
I'm holdin' on grenades and I'm tryin' to not pull a pin
I done contemplated on downin' a bottle of gin
也许它能带走我心中的不快 能让我显得正常些
'Cause maybe that'll calm my nerves and get my ass on track
我在刀刃上游走 我真的很绝望我回不去了
I'm on the fuckin' edge, I snapped and I just can't go back
我连一个正常人都算不上 最后不论我做了什么我都伤害了自己
I have no class, I'm cut from how my last ho act
那婊子试图毁了我 该死的贱人差点使我身败名裂
She tried to ruin me, she damn near made my cash flow crash
我真她妈的憎恨这个贱人 那婊子的名字就应该安在墓碑上
I fuckin' hate this bitch, her name could sit on a grave
Only reason she ain't dead is 'cause my kid on the way
她怀着孕 脱着衣服跳着舞 离我而去赚脏钱
The bitch is pregnant and she strippin', dodgin' minimum wage
她将我按在她的脚下 把我关押起来使劲羞辱我
She done kick me down, locked me up and spit on my face
I bought a ring for this bitch just to set it in stone
我头疼愈烈 我真应该把那该死的情爱丢掉
My headache has grown, damn I shoulda left it alone
天堂已不复存在 我的爱也不会回头
Now heaven is gone, so is my love and it won't return
地狱等着你 贱人下十八层吧 那狱火会将你烧成灰烬的 因为-
Welcome to hell, bitch, I hope you burn, because—
I'm so tired
在我看来 我们无法释怀了
Of all the problems you've been causin' me (ha—ha—ha)
We are not cool no mo' as far as I can see
我已经堕落 像一条蛆似的在地上爬
You kicked me down
I've fallen, I'm crawlin'
听着傻逼 我们已经不是同一个处境了(lil nigga是过去的hopsin)
It's all your fault
没人能记得住你的花名 所以你也不用对你做的风流事负责
但该死的 成名之后反而使我感到羞愧
Listen, lil' nigga, we ain't in the same shoes
如果你的名声能达到我的级别 我保证你也能被女人玩
You ain't built a name or even paid dues
既然他自己都深陷错误的泥潭 就别再恨了是活该吧
But damn it, I'm ashamed of what it came to
And if you had have ever reached my level of fame guaranteed Dame would have played you
He's in the wrong, don't give me hate for it
You know him better than me
Y'all always had a broken relationship
Now you lookin' at me like I'm Satan's spawn
But five years ago you had made the same diss song
Why don't you put it out?
Show the world you hate your brother too
人人都能持枪对自 但谁又有勇气去扣动扳机?
Don't be afraid to show the truth
Shit, you ain't got much to lose
如果你也看到了我看到的那龌龊事 你一定会选择站在我这边
Anyone can hold a gun up, but who's brave enough to shoot?
但你却他妈的消失了 你还不带我一起走
You know damn well he's addicted to rakin' up the loot
If you seen the shit I seen, you woulda taken sides with me
尼格 去你妈的你和你的心理疾病
But you fuckin' disappeared and you ain't even ride with me
And now you wanna return when the label hit the bottom
Nigga, fuck you and your phony mental problems!
在我看来 我们无法释怀了
I'm so tired
我已经堕落 像一条蛆似的在地上爬
Of all the problems you've been causin' me (ha—ha—ha)
We are not cool no mo' as far as I can see
You kicked me down
以致于我就像个怪兽一样 说的我很喜欢争吵一样
I've fallen, I'm crawlin'
It's all your fault
他们妒忌我一副高高在上的样子 想要切去我的光源
我把音乐当作我开诚布公的日记 唤醒死了的我
Too many motherfuckers judge my life
这就是为什么连你儿子都认我当爸 过来激怒我
And make me out to be a monster like I love my strife
我已是地狱的人 呵呵
Too many motherfuckers pick at what the fuck I write
你们这些傻逼不知道吗 老子的说唱就是吊
They hate to see me shine, they wish they could cut my light
你们最好给我记着 觉着我弱智愚钝吗
I use my music as my public diary, it's what inspires me
It's why your fuckin' son admires me, come and fire me
Settle with the hell that I was put in, nuh-uh
哈哈你们这些尼格不知所措了吧 还狂妄自大吗
You motherfuckers keep forgettin' I'm too good at my job
小心下水道里爬 你们只是黑佬鬼不是西装革履
Y'all shoulda knew this, some think I'm too retarded and stupid
瞧你跟着Hopsin风生水起 我却还满嘴叫喊着艹你妈
Overnight I just went and started a movement
哈利路亚 我终于能放下所有
The power at my fingertips is greater than Funk Volume and Ruthless
尼格 王位是我的所以别他妈的惦记了 因为-
Ha ha, you still losin', you niggas thought you could do it
Go crawl in some sewage, you niggas ain't no entrepreneurs
You fucked with Hopsin Da Ruler and now I'm hollerin' screw ya
我想 我们真的无法释怀了
Hallelujah, all the deadweight is finally cut off
Niggas, the throne is mine, so stay the fuck off, 'cause—
我已经堕落 像一条蛆似的在地上爬
I'm so tired
Of all the problems you've been causin' me (ha—ha—ha)
We are not cool no mo' as far as I can see
我想 我们真的无法释怀了
You kicked me down
I've fallen, I'm crawlin'
我已经堕落 像一条蛆似的在地上爬
It's all your fault
这 全他妈是你的错!
I'm so tired
Of all the problems you've been causin' me (ha—ha—ha)
We are not cool no mo' as far as I can see
You kicked me down
I've fallen, I'm crawlin'
It's all your fault
1.Hotel In Sydney
2.Right Here
4.Cute In A Suit (Skit)
5.All Your Fault (Remix)
6.Money On The Side
7.I Wouldn't Do That
8.Black Sheep
9.I Must Be On Somethin
10.Tell'em Who You Got It From
11.The Purge
12.Happy Ending
13.No Words 2 (Skit)
14.Panorama City
15.Ill Mind Of Hopsin 9
16.Marcus' Gospel
17.Witch Doctor