重构现实 (Rebuild Realities)

I can't deny 我难以否认
It's such a perfect summer night 这是一个如此完美的夏夜
Midnight moonlight, hell of a ride 夜半月光,令人愉悦
Guess I should say goodbye 我猜我该告别了
(I'm roller coaster high 但我如此高兴)
The highway light 高速路上的灯光
People in high heels make our life 穿着高跟鞋的人们决定我们的生活
For imperfection ones I like 那些不完美的人却是我喜欢的
Your party dress matches my mind 你的派对服装如此合我心意
I thought you might 我正以为你要
Approaching 接近
Slow but just effective 如此缓慢而有效
We are going way too fast 我们走的太快了
Way too far away 也太远了
But you just want 但你却只想要
A blessing 一句祝福
Comes from people waiting 来自那些等待的人
To trip over your body 去踩过你的身体
On battlefield of life 在生活的战场上
(How we hate those guys 我们是如此的恨他们啊)
So tell me 那么告诉我
Where have you been lately 你去哪儿了
Why you hurt so badly 为什么你伤的这么重
It's okay to be not so sober 不那么清醒是完全可以接受的
If you think you're lonely 如果你认为你很孤独
It's time to call the fake police 该去告诉那些虚假的正义斗士了
About the plastic trees 关于那些塑料树们的故事
We plant those plastic trees 我们亲手栽下了这些塑料树
We plant those reveries 我们种下了这些沉思的种子
We plant those plastic trees 我们亲手栽下了这些塑料树
We plant those memories 我们种下了这些记忆
We plant those fake stories 我们种下了这些虚假的故事
Rebuild realities 重建所有的现实
So dance around me 绕着我跳舞吧
In this camera limelight 在相机和镁光灯下
We'll be on the front page 我们明天晚上
Tomorrow night 会在头版头条上
This song has gone forever 这首歌一直在播放
And I'm close to lose my mind 我快要疯掉了
So run away from cities 让我们远离城市
I want to feel my life 我想重新感受我的生活
Something more exciting 一些比搭便车
than a boring hitchhike 更加有趣的事情
Danger from the poison trees 那毒树上的果子
Collect them for me 请为我摘下
So tell me 那么告诉我
Where have you been lately 你去哪儿了
Why you hurt so badly 为什么你伤的这么重
It's okay to be not so sober 不那么清醒是完全可以接受的
If you think you're lonely 如果你认为你很孤独
It's time to call the fake police 该去告诉那些虚假的正义斗士了
About the plastic trees 关于那些塑料树们的故事
We plant those plastic trees 我们亲手栽下了这些塑料树
We plant those reveries 我们种下了这些沉思的种子
We plant those plastic trees 我们亲手栽下了这些塑料树
We plant those memories 我们种下了这些记忆
We plant those fake stories 我们种下了这些虚假的故事
Rebuild realities 重建所有的现实
混音:臧无尤/Spencer Secoy
母带:臧无尤/Sterling Sound (Edgewater)
1.白衣少年 (Song Gang)
2.星海 (The Sea of Stars)
3.欢迎光临 (Welcome)
4.是的,制作人们全疯了 (Yep, The Producers Are Mad)
5.写给五年后的自己 (For Myself in Five Years)
6.木纹杯里的玄米茶 (Genmaicha)
7.鱼汤面条 (Homemade Noodle Soup)
8.光流 (Streaming Light) (Outro)
9.秋千时代 (The Age of Swings)
10.安妮莎 (Anissa)
11.铁铸的月亮 (The Moon Made of Steel)
12.千禧一代 (Millennials)
13.抱紧我自己 (Hold Onto Myself)
14.有座山 (There's A Mountain)
15.像一艘漂浮在酒里的船 (Intro)
16.起床的一些理由 (Reasons To Get Up)
17.那群追星星的人 (Those Who Chase The Stars)
18.重构现实 (Rebuild Realities)
19.奇迹是怎么发生的 (How Miracles Happen)
20.酒瓶子里的船 (Bottled Ship)
21.难民 (The Refugee)
22.快速的开场 (A Fast Begin)
23.从半糖的红糖开始说起 (Half Sugar Brown Sugar)
24.星星也在流浪 (Stars Are Lost As Well)
25.棋手 (Chess Player)
26.我们时代的终结 (The End of Our Times)
27.毕业日 (Outro)
28.顿悟 (Epiphany)
29.欲辩 (Dried Ink)
30.在很远很远的远方 (In A Place Far, Far Away)
31.他独自饮酒 (He Drinks Alone)