The Champion (Bonus Track)

I’ll be the last one standing
Two hands in the air, I’m a champion
双手高举头顶 我就是冠军
You’ll be looking up at me when it’s over
当一切都已结束 你会抬头仰视我
I live for the battle, I’m a soldier, yeah
我就为这战役而生 就像坚毅的战士
I’m a fighter like Rocky
Put your flag on your back like Ali
就像拳王阿里 在你倒下的背后插上白旗
Yeah, I’m the greatest I’m stronger
我就是如此伟大 并会愈来愈强
Paid my dues, can’t lose, I'm own ya, ay
我已付诸全力 绝不会失败 定能取得胜利
穷极一生 努力奋斗
I’ve been working my whole life
And now it’s do or die
我不可战胜 坚不可摧
我不可抵挡 磐石之固
I am invincible, unbreakable
他们将我打倒 我也能再度站起
Unstoppable, unshakeable
我就是冠军 你们会记住我的名字
They knock me down, I get up again
你们伤害不到我 痛苦于我即为无物
I am the champion, you’re gon’ know my name
我生而为此 注定会赢
You can’t hurt me now, I can’t feel the pain
I was made for this, yeah, I was born to win
I am the champion
When they write my story
They gonna say that I did it for the glory
我的人生我主宰 我愿意为之冒险
But don’t think that I did it for the fame, yeah
所有陈旧的记录 都会被我一一打破
I did it for the love of the game, yeah
And this is my chance I’m taking
All them old records, I’m breaking
穷极一生 苦苦等待
All you people watching on the TV
只为这一刻 我的名字出现在聚光灯下
You go ahead and put your bets on me, ay
我不可战胜 坚不可摧
我不可抵挡 磐石之固
I’ve been waiting my whole life
他们将我打倒 我也能再度站起
To see my name in lights
我就是冠军 你们会记住我的名字
你们伤害不到我 痛苦于我即为无物
I am invincible, unbreakable
我生而为此 注定会赢
Unstoppable, unshakeable
They knock me down, I get up again
生而为皇 Luda
I am the champion, you’re gon’ know my name
You can’t hurt me now, I can’t feel the pain
I was made for this, yeah, I was born to win
A就是我沉着冷静 不断进步的态度
I am the champion, oh
钱乃身外之物 M是我坚定的目标
我会坚持到底 P是我百折不挠的信念
Born champion, Luda
I就是正直与诚实的化身 经营着标新立异的事业
The C is for the courage I possess through the trauma
O就是积极乐观 保持开放 从不封闭自我
H is for the hurt, but it’s all for the honor
N就很重要了 因为我永不放弃
A is for my attitude working through the patience
看吧 他们问我是如何做到的 我只是发自内心地投入
Money comes and goes, so the M is for motivation
席卷整个赛场 我可以从一而终
Gotta stay consistent, the P is for persevere
The I is for integrity, innovative career
The O is optimistic, open and never shut
我不可战胜 坚不可摧
And the N is necessary 'cause I’m never givin’ up
我不可抵挡 磐石之固
See, they ask me how I did it, I just did it from the heart
他们将我打倒 我也能再度站起
Crushin' the competition, been doing it from the start
我就是冠军 你们会记住我的名字
They say that every champion is all about his principles
你们伤害不到我 痛苦于我即为无物
我生而为此 注定会赢
I am invincible, unbreakable
我就是冠军 击败了所有对手
Unstoppable, unshakeable
They knock me down, I get up again
I am the champion, you’re gon’ know my name
You can’t hurt me now, I can’t feel the pain
I was made for this, yeah, I was born to win
I am the champion
I’m the champion, yeah, surpassed all rivals
It’s all about who wants it the most
I am the champion
Fight for what we believe in
That’s what champions are made of
I am the champion (Yeah, champion)
1.Cry Pretty
2.Ghosts On The Stereo
6.That Song That We Used To Make Love To
7.Drinking Alone
8.The Bullet
9.Spinning Bottles
10.Love Wins
11.End Up With You
13.The Champion (Bonus Track)