Hollow-Hearted, Heart-Departed

L: "Filthy ******s - the Lord's grape!
With lore ornamentéd entreating;
Hollow heartéd, heart-departéd -
Yet thou reapest the blooming rose -
When 'tis the weed which is to be swath'd"
R: "I do, in the blooming flower,
L: "And me in the yesterdays bind?!" / R: pleasure find!"
R: "Innocence is reservéd for the meek:
Of naught is my grasp ne'er to be!"
L: "Hah! - for thee even a hound holdeth the throne.
Unwantéd child of mother! - Plague of plagues!
Father of leprous children.
I wield ye to stint this brawl!
Nigh is the ford - yet harken! - do not thwart!
Desirest thou to do it withal,
I shall cause thy body by one head too short!
Sayest ye nay to my boon;
Then wilt thou from bloodshed swoon!"
R: "Err me not! - Must ye bethink my foolhardiness!
Be vanishéd! - Be banishéd! -
If ye deemest me not wroth.
My hand hieth to unsheathe the sword
Lest thou dost totter -
Whid along! - Wherefore irk my haughtiness?"
L: "No man... No man at all!, / R: "Wherefore bereave the kine of the sward?
L: Be it lord or beggar / R: Wherefore holdest thou for me
L: Bereaveth my dignity!" / R: such quailing scowl?"
L: "Loom my darling sun -
Bear the scarlet colour!"
1....A Distance There Is...
3.Sweet Art Thou
5.A Hamlet for a Slothful Vassal
6.Cheerful Dirge
7.To These Words I Beheld No Tongue
8.Hollow-Hearted, Heart-Departed
9.Dying: I Only Feel Apathy