Black Water Dawn

At the gloaming shore, neither sea nor land
朦胧海岸 海陆浑然
The heaving immeasurable darkness ahead
无尽黑暗 充斥眼前
Moonlit the stannic waves swell up and threat
月下怒涛 狂暴汹涌
And the nightly breeze is calling my name
暗夜微风 呼唤我名
I gaze into the night, as if I could see
面朝黑夜 极目凝望
No land in sight but a voracious deep
贪婪深夜 无际无边
I resign myself onto the barque
放弃自我 踏上帆船
To set sail to perdition, a fate so dark
航向厄运 万劫不复
Can you feel them, can you see them
可有感到 可有察觉
The green hills, the silver stream
山峰苍苍 溪水潺潺
Can you not see the newborn sky, the auburn sun
新生寰宇 炙热灼阳
You are so near the sun of the dawn
破晓晨光 近在咫尺
Across the waves of the fever sea
穿越波涛 沸腾海洋
The lashing billows hurling curses at me
怒涛滚滚 施害于我
Bawling the cormorant mouths open wide
鸬鹚突啼 大张嘴喙
Snatching and gnawing, bane at my side
于我身旁 觅食而捕
Deathwards the ferry glides across the waters so deep
渡船越水 驶向幽冥
To the foul land, athwart the venomous sea
横跨毒海 直入烟瘴
Resistance worn down and a broken will
不再抗拒 打消信念
A crippled heart, sense come to nil
残碎内心 无可感知
Can you feel it, can you hear it
可有感到 可有察觉
The oaks song, the raven's call
橡树传歌 鸦鸣阵阵
Can you not see the newborn sky, the auburn sun
新生寰宇 炙热灼阳
You are so near the sun of the dawn
破晓晨光 近在咫尺
Can you feel them, can you see them
可有感到 可有察觉
The green hills, the silver stream
山峰苍苍 溪水潺潺
Can you not see the newborn sky, the auburn sun
新生寰宇 炙热灼阳
Can you not see the sun of the dawn
破晓晨光 近在咫尺
You are so near tir' jovincon
提尔那诺 即在不远
1.The Silvern Glow
2.The Raven Hill
3.Black Water Dawn
8.A Cry in the Wilderness
9.The Slumber
14.Threefold Death
15.Mine Is the Fury