目覚めを待つ間にも 容赦はなく 時は過ぎゆく
【即使是在等待着苏醒的时间之中 也并不会被宽恕 时间依旧在流逝】
口の苦み 続く平地 消える兆し
【口中的苦难 连续的平地 消失的预兆】
【多半会是这个地方 地图变得毫无意义】
Raise your head
If you want to make the world a better place
Now’s the time to turn the hourglass
Raise your head
If you want to make the world a better place
Now’s the time to turn the hourglass
遠く響くこだまを追い 夜長の先 誰を待つのか
【追逐远方回响的声音 长夜的前方 等待着谁】
紐がちぎれ 背の荷落ちて 軽いはずの
【纽带断裂 卸掉背负的重物 也许变得轻松的】
体がまだらな 記憶吸い重くなる
【躯体斑驳 记忆呼吸变得沉重】
Raise your head
If you want to make the world a better place
Now’s the time to turn the hourglass
Raise your head
If you want to make the world a better place
Now’s the time to turn the hourglass
The right direction Which is the right direction Which is...
【真实的指引 哪一个才是真实的指引 哪一个…】
Raise your head
If you want to make the world a better place
Now’s the time to turn the hourglass
Raise your head
If you want to make the world a better place
Now’s the time to turn the hourglass
Raise your head
If you want to make the world a better place
Now’s the time to turn the hourglass
Raise your head
If you want to make the world a better place
Now’s the time to turn the hourglass
Let me hear you say
Raise your head
Raise your head
Raise your head to the sky
【抬起你的头 面向苍穹】
Raise your head
Raise your head
Raise your head to the sky
【抬起你的头 面向苍穹】