Farewell -Electric President
Out in the fields the skies crack and peel
While off in the distance the buildings collide
And down in the grass is a sea of broken glass
And remnants of lives that I used to label mine
那骸骨属于形形色色的人们 他们为我的生命贴上标签
And I've lost my tongue and I've lost all my friends
而我如鲠在喉 朋友都离我而去
And I can't remember if I give a d**n
We peek from the edge of an old rusty bridge
老旧的桥已经生锈 我们从它的边缘偷偷望去
Down in the water is the house where we were raised
And over where the trees and gardens used to be
Are remnants of pictures we still carry in our minds
And you've lost your mind and you've lost all your plans
你失去了理智 抛下了所有计划
And I can't quite tell if you even give a d**n
The neighborhood is gone the air reeks of smoke ash and cold
社区已经不再 空气中弥漫着烟灰与寒意
Winter's sleeping on our doorsteps
As you hum your songs the water turn to ice above our home
你哼唱着歌 冰封的水面盖住了我们的家
So we go collect our paychecks and leave
Up comes the sun to burn everyone
太阳冉冉升起 灼烧着每一个人
And we pay the difference by peeling off our skin
为了支付差额 我们褪下了皮肤
And as far as we can tell it's pretty cold in hell
据我们所知 地狱里面无比寒冷
But you've got your sweaters
So I'm sure you won't mind
But you've lost your heart and you've lost all your will
但你已经心灰意冷 你的意志已经消磨殆尽
You're shot full of holes and what you hold always spills
枪击使你千疮百孔 手持之物皆会洒出
The city's met its end the monuments have all crashed and burned
城市走到了尽头 纪念碑尽数倒塌焚毁
I doubt that we'll miss them
We walk through the woods and neither of us looks back not once
我们漫步着穿过树林 一次也没有回头看
There's nothing behind us anymore
It was all in our heads it was all in our heads
这一切从未发生 都是我们的胡思乱想
The sky was never falling it was all in our heads
天空从未坠落 一切全是幻想
So sleep well tonight and dream some good things
愿你今晚安眠 做些好梦
The sky was never falling it was all a bad dream
天空安然无恙 只是噩梦一场
1.Good Morning Hypocrite
3.Ten Thousand Lines
4.Snow on Dead Neighborhoods
5.Grand Machine No. 12
7.Metal Fingers
8.Some Crap About the Future
10.We Were Never Built to Last