The yellow walls are lined with portraits
黄墙上 一排漂亮肖像画
And I've got my new red fetching leather jacket
我身上 崭新夹克红似霞
All these poses such beautiful poses
人要摆出来的姿势 都是好姿势
Makes any boy feel like picking up roses
好得像 让小伙有满地玫瑰花般的姑娘可拾
There's never been such grave a matter
可天底下 哪有这么好的要紧事
As comparing our new brand name black sunglasses
要紧到 能跟哄抢新款名牌墨镜的热度相持
All these poses such beautiful poses
人想摆出来的姿势 都是好姿势
Makes any boy feel as pretty as princes
好得像 让姑娘眼里的小伙都像王子般标致
The green autumnal parks conducting
深秋 中央公园生机依旧 响起新乐章
All the city streets a wondrous chorus singing
纽约 市井众声交街 汇成美妙合唱
All these poses oh how can you blame me
我将姿势摆好 却招来你怨言相向
Life is a game and true love is a trophy
人生长成游戏样 爱便是奖赏
And you said
Watch my head about it
要我别为爱想太多 太多徒神伤
Baby you said watch my head about it
你竟说 要我别为爱想太多 太多徒神伤
My head about it
别为爱想太多 太多徒神伤
Oh no oh no oh no
我只好 说出一个个“不”字
Oh no oh no no kidding
说出一个个“不”字 一副正经模样
Reclined amongst these packs of reasons
一堆的这解那释 数到累了歪倒下
For to smoke the days away into the evenings
嘴边云雾伴我度日 入夜一散昙花
All these poses of classical torture
人爱摆出来的姿势 都是折磨人的装腔作势
Ruined my mind like a snake in the orchard
像伊甸里的魅蛇招摇身子 折磨人的朴实心志 (a snake in the orchard化用“伊甸园蛇诱”典故)
I did go from wanting to be someone now
我何尝不想由此再由此 重新开始
I'm drunk and wearing flip-flops on Fifth Avenue
我烂醉至此 拖着拖鞋在第五大道边行行止止
Once you've fallen from classical virtue
品性德行难免装腔作势 毕竟一旦消失
Won't have a soul for to wake up and hold you
再难遇人相知 劝你留你入世
In the green autumnal parks conducting
深秋 中央公园生机依旧 响起新乐章
All the city streets a wondrous chorus
纽约 市井众声交街 汇成美妙合唱
Singing all these poses now no longer boyish
唱到 把无数姿势精心摆好 不复稚嫩的模样
Made me a man ah but who cares what that it
人皆其中 成长衰老 谁念我曾经稚嫩的模样
And you said watch my head about it
你却说 要我别胡乱想太多 太多徒神伤
Baby you said watch my head about it
你竟说 要我别胡乱想太多 太多徒神伤
My head about it
别胡乱想太多 太多徒神伤
Oh no oh no oh no
我只好 说出一个个“不”字
Oh no oh no well you said
说出一个个“不”字 因为你竟说
Watch my head about it
要我别胡乱想太多 太多徒神伤
Baby you said watch my head about it
你竟说 要我别胡乱想太多 太多徒神伤
My head about it
别胡乱想太多 太多徒神伤
Oh no oh no oh no
我只好 说出一个个“不”字
Oh no oh no no kidding
说出一个个“不”字 一副正经模样
1.Complainte De La Butte
2.Across The Universe (Remix)
3.The Maker Makes (Brokeback Mountain-Soundtrack Version)
4.Me And Liza
5.Bitter Tears
6.Chelsea Hotel No. 2 (Live At The Brighton Dome, Brighton, England-2004)
7.Sometimes You Need
8.Going To A Town
9.Out Of The Game
11.Oh What A World
12.April Fools
13.Chic And Pointless
16.Cigarettes And Chocolate Milk
17.Jericho (Live From The Artists Den-2012)
19.Montauk (Live From The Artists Den-2012)
20.The One You Love
21.If Love Were All (Live At Kenwood House, United Kingdom -03 July 2010)
22.I Don't Know What It Is
23.Do It Again (Live At Kenwood House, United Kingdom -03 July 2010)
24.The Art Teacher
25.Zing! Went The Strings Of My Heart (Live At Kenwood House, United Kingdom -03 July 2010)
26.Go Or Go Ahead
27.Memphis Skyline (Live At Kenwood House, United Kingdom -03 July 2010)
28.Dinner At Eight
29.Martha (BBC Live Version)
30.Foolish Love
31.One Man Guy (Live At KCRW) (feat. Teddy Thompson, Martha Wainwright, Richard Causon, Butch, Jeff Hill)
32.Rufus Wainwright Interview (From The BBC's ''In Concert'' Program - 28 July 2011)
33.Grey Gardens