Sometimes I fantasize about traveling space and time
I think about specific moments that I could rewind
Not to redo it, but relive it, I could give it one more go, abide
And truly understand the deeper things that I don't know about
Now take a trip with me and vibe
嘿 陪我一起走走看看吧
I'm on this interstellar mission, is you down to ride?
我们这正执行者宇宙穿越的任务呢 要一起嘛
Hold up, I know this innermission feeling like the tribe
这首歌的beat听起来是不是和The Tribe的歌很像啊(官方吐槽?)
Life is beautiful I'm so lucky to be alive
所幸自己仍是大活人一个 能去感受生活的美好
I'm gonna take this moment right now here and school them people
许许多多有意义的瞬间我都想一一记录 留给后人
I know deep in my heart everyone is created equal
I truly wish that I could see the sequel of our people
我希望能看清人类的进程 领悟其背后的本质
Truly wish that I could, check it
Now, when I hit the road and tour the world
大大小小的巡演 满世界忙活
I see like different light, this music shit just ain't the world
虽然疲惫 可是我明白正是粉丝们的支持才会有我的完整小小星球
Brothers and sisters from different mothers and misters
All different colors and creed all come together for me
Boy, I'm blessed to be free
哦 大伙们 有你们支持真的很棒
[02:54.46]This is our time
[02:57.49]Still I'm looking back
[01:17.58][02:59.66][03:09.77]Let me rewind
[03:04.67]This is our ride
[03:07.68]Don't let me lose my faith
Doing 70 on this highway
On the front of this bus, I'm busting my mind open
(根据Logic所说这段的词是在tour bus上写的)
Hoping these lyrics will keep me coping
坐在时速70的巴士副驾上 我的头有点沉
On the grind like copin', no time to bring the dope in
But this Nyquil got me feeling lit
啊呀 头还是懵懵的 脑子回响着滑板呲着杆子那样的声音
It's been like 3 months since I've been home
Sometimes it feel like forever just how long I been gone
Yeah, you know that's the shit that I been on
妈呀度日如年 我想我的小Jess了
You know I love it, feel like there's never enough of it
是啊 巡演啊 工作啊 到处跑啊 很累的
Let me bring 'em back
不过我热爱着我为音乐做的一切 而且这些还不够
Chilling, watching Tarantino, we know I've been on it forever
有点跑题了 先不写那么快了
My endeavor like a feature film
Step into the realm of the realest, do you feel this?
I'm in it, my limit the chillest
Let me bring 'em back, yo
Yeah, I woke up early on my born, 25, it's a blessing
诶 感觉又来了 继续写词be了
Progression everyday, lesson's got me stressing
直到25岁之前 我一直没能搞懂自己要干什么
But I'm testing, reminiscing when I would listen to my intuition
所幸在25岁之后 我能顶住各样压力努力过好每一天
And now I made it, resurrecting, Young Sinatra I created, I'm elated
严格自省 听从自己的感觉
It seem like everyone's somehow related
现在成功了 留给大家一个Young Sinatra的小伙子形象
Letters back and forth from my homie that's locked up in prison
(Logic早期喜欢采样Sinatra的歌曲并自称自己是Young Sinatra)
Doing 14, it's been 5, I know my heart's with him
我有个在牢里的哥们 我们曾经常写信
I've been so busy, it feel like forever since I hit him, man
14年徒刑 可现在一半都没到啊 我很想他
I think about how I wasn't shit when he went in
最近太忙了 很久没和他好好聊聊了 淦 我很内疚
What if the tables was turned and I was the one that been in, damn
He said he's seen me in the magazine
在他最难过的时候 我的事业刚刚起步
He said he's seen me on Fallon and Kimmel
That's been my dog from the kennel
I never thought that out the millions watching, he was one
他曾教会我许多 在我年幼无处可去的时候 接纳我
It makes me reminisce about the times when we begun
我真没想到 他在受牢狱之灾的时候仍能看到我的成功
Skipping class with all of my homies, on a constant search for who I was
I rarely went to school, they wonder why and that's because
和朋友们逃课 一直在迷茫自己的价值
My situation at home was alcoholics and drugs
自从某个时刻起我很少去学校了 他们都不明白
I never graduated but I made it to the summit
可我家里本还有一堆烂摊子要收 我的酒鬼爸爸和瘾君子母亲
Don't get me wrong, so many times I thought that I would plummet
我没能好好毕业 可我现在事业如日中天
Felt like I didn't have the heart and couldn't seem to stomach
那时候我的内心并没有比现在坚强 害怕失败 畏手畏脚的
All of the beef around my way
我的心就如胃一般 这些肉类我可消化不来
I mean, I never wanted to live a life where all you're truly living is a lie
(以胃比心 以肉比作困难 logic用wordplay说他当时忍受不了各种压力)
I knew I always wanted more and so they wonder why
我的意思是 我不想活在满是谎言的世界里
I said they wonder why
我也知道我的野心很大很大 旁人也不明白
So what do you think about space
我呢 还在寻找实现自我价值方法呢 共勉吧
Um, space is called the galaxy
Do you know planets? What are- can you name some planets off?
Yeah, there's a one named Saturn and Earth, Mars and the planet Paradise
You've never been there before?
Um, no. I was little a long time ago with my mom riding in a coolest ship. My TV showed us where we are in space. But there was droid ships everywhere
Well, thank you for your time, sir. I appreciate the interview