I'm not offended and I never was
我从未心怀芥蒂 也从未心生怨怼
I said, "I lied to your face, you can suck it up"
我曾坦言 “我对你撒了谎 你只能忍着”
I'm acting bored, it's my right after all the love that you bombed
我故作无聊 爱意被你摧毁殆尽 我有报复的权利
You kick back on your couch with your glass of wine
你慵懒地躺在沙发上 啜饮着红酒
It's not the same as it was between you and I
你我之间 一切早已物是人非
Yeah, time can do something funny, it can change my mind
时间真是奇妙 叫我幡然醒悟
Thank God
Now I'm so cool, I'll be cool for the hell of it
如今我云淡风轻 掩饰内心的伤痕
You promised me that you'd call, but you never did
你曾许诺相伴 却弃我而去
Fool, I'm a fool if the shoe fits
真傻啊 此话怎会应验 蠢笨如我
You probably met up with Cass and said the same shit
你或许与Cass见了面 许下同款誓言
Calm down, maybe, baby, calm down
平静下来 也许吧 亲爱的 冷静
Waited for your walls to close on me
They did
I spun 'round, hate the way I spun 'round
我兜兜转转 厌恶这无意义的斡旋
All the way till I could barely breathe
到头来 我几乎窒息
I'm not pretending in the way you are
我从未虚情假意 不像你那样善于伪装
You run your hands through your hair
你拨弄着头发 故作深情
Phony superstar
Then say you miss me, you're sad
后来你说想我了 你很难过
Yeah, I bet you are
Then guess what?
Mmm, I wish that I didn't, but I know too much
我真希望自己不知道 但我太了解你了
You stranded Sadie and Sarah when they opened up
你抛弃了Sadie和Sarah 她们都向你敞开心扉了
A waste of running mascara, you thought we wouldn't talk
白白哭花了妆 你天真以为我们不会谈论你的事迹
Thought wrong
Now I'm so cool, I'll be cool for the hell of it
如今我云淡风轻 掩饰内心的伤痕
You paint a picture of us just to burn it
你描绘彼此合照 却只为付之一炬
Fool, I'm a fool if the shoe fits
真傻啊 若此话应验 蠢笨如我
I've bet you've met up with Dev and said the same shit
你或许与Dev见了面 许下同款誓言
Calm down, maybe, baby, calm down
平静下来 也许吧 亲爱的 冷静
Waited for your walls to close on me
They did
Spun 'round, hate the way I spun 'round
我兜兜转转 厌恶这无意义的斡旋
All the way till I could barely breathe, breathe, breathe
到头来 我几乎窒息
No, I'll be fine
不 我会没事的
I'll just look for the silver lining
Stay out of sight
Half my mind, you still occupying
一半的心思 仍被你牵绊
Kill for awhile, stole my time
你夺走了我的一段时光 偷走了我的岁月
Thanks a lot for nothing
I'll be fine, I'll be fine
我会没事的 我会自我疗愈
I'll be cool, I'm so cool for the hell of it
我会云淡风轻 掩饰内心的伤痕
You promised me this was real, but it wasn't
你曾许诺相伴 却弃我而去
Fool, I'm a fool if the shoe fits
真傻啊 此话怎会应验 蠢笨如我
You probably met up will Elle and said the same shit
你或许与Elle见了面 许下同款誓言
Calm down, maybe, baby, calm down
平静下来 也许吧 亲爱的 冷静
Waited for your walls to close on me
When they did
I spun 'round, hate the way I spun 'round
我兜兜转转 厌恶这无意义的斡旋
All the way till I could barely breathe
到头来 我几乎窒息
1.Felt Good About You
3.Blowing Smoke
4.I Love You, I'm Sorry
6.Let It Happen
7.Tough Love
8.I Knew It, I Know You
9.Gave You I Gave You I
10.Normal Thing
11.Good Luck Charlie
12.Free Now
13.Close To You
15.That’s So True
16.I Told You Things
17.Packing It Up
18.I Love You, I'm Sorry (Live From Vevo)
19.I Knew It, I Know You (Live From Vevo)
20.Free Now (Live From Vevo)