制作人 : Aaron Dessner
I know you know
It felt just like a joke
我坦诚相待 你却无动于衷
I show, you don't
And now we're talking
I know your ghost
烟雾缭绕中 依稀可见她的身影
I see her through the smoke
She'll play her show
And you'll be watching
即便过往历史昭然 终要有人湮灭成废墟
And if history's clear, someone always ends up in ruins
曾经以为是宿命 如今只剩下一声叹息 “我究竟在做什么?”
And what seemed like fate becomes "What the hell was I doing?"
巴比伦的恋人 一生悬挂于摇摇欲坠的藤蔓
Babylon lovers hanging lifetimes on a vine
Do you miss mine?
你是否怀念彼此 从前的我们
Do you miss us, us?
我感受过 你也曾紧攥那份羁绊
I felt it, you held it
你是否怀念彼此 从前的我们
Do you miss us, us?
不知你是否后悔 有关于彼此那段隐秘的过往
Wonder if you regret the secret of us, us, us
Us, us, us (Us, us, us)
我清楚 你内心了然
I know you know
It felt like something old
携有一丝神圣 像是灵魂在淌血
It felt like something holy, like souls bleeding so
It felt like what I've known
You're twenty-nine years old
可为何在我敞开心扉时 你却如此冷漠?
So how can you be cold when I open my home?
即便过往历史明晰 炽热终将化为灰烬
And if history's clear, the flames always end up in ashes
曾经以为是命运 不过十个月 你便会云淡风轻
And what seemed like fate, give it ten months, and you'll be past it
巴比伦恋人 满怀思念的电话留言 挂在回忆的线上
Babylon lovers hanging missed calls on the line
I gave you mine
Did you mind?
彼此 从前的我们
Us, us
我感受过 你也曾紧攥那份羁绊
I felt it, you held it
你是否怀念彼此 从前的我们
Do you miss us, us?
不知你是否后悔 有关于彼此那段隐秘的过往
Wonder if you regret the secret of us, us
Us, us, us (Us, us)
那天晚上 你谈论着伪先知
That night, you were talking false prophets
聊着他们在诗歌的缝隙间 攫取的微薄利益
And profits they make in the margins of poetry sonnets
You never read up on it
真可惜 或许能从中有所领悟
Shame, could've learned something
Robert Bly on my nightstand
你曾经的赠礼 如今显得何等讽刺
Gifts from you, how ironic
是诅咒还是奇迹 是载着亡者的灵车 还是指引未来的神谕
A curse or a miracle, hearse or an oracle
你独一无二 该死 这是一种化学反应
You're incomparable, ****, it was chemical
你加我等于(你加我等于 无法言喻的过往)
You plus me was (You plus me was)
彼此 从前的我们
Us, us, us
我感受过 你也曾紧攥那份羁绊
I felt it, you held it
你是否怀念彼此 从前的我们
Do you miss us, us?
不知你是否后悔 有关于彼此那段隐秘的过往
Wonder if you regret the secret of us, us
Mistaken for strangers
尽管 曾经那样真实
The way it was, was
我们的炙热 苦楚 主宰
The pain of, the reign of, the flame of us, us
那段关于我们的时光 有时轮廓清晰 有时却模糊不清
The outline, well sometimes
你是否怀念彼此 从前的我们
Do you miss us, us?
最美好的一段时光 有时却稍纵即逝
The best kind, well sometimes
Do you miss us?