Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 我即为安吉丽娜·朱莉 (注: Angelina Jolie为著名女演员)
Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 安吉丽娜·朱莉
Lemme put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair
就让我将双手放到你膝盖上 你可以给我编辫子
Do a fat criss cross in the back somewhere, ha
在后头某处 做个十字交叉
Me and my boyfriend listen to the Chill Peppers
我和男友会听“红辣椒乐队”的歌 (注: Chili Peppers一般指独立摇滚乐队"Red Hot Chili Peppers")
We write hit songs without trying like all the time, all the time
写首热单 对于我们来说 简直易如反掌 总是畅通无阻
I take off all my clothes, dance naked for the neighbors
我将尽数褪去衣袖 与近邻坦诚相见 跳上一支舞
I’m like, "**** it, I'ma give a show", I open up the blinds
我就类似于: “不管了 我得进行一场表演” 我将卷帘拉开
I can crash into the way, get on to the bike
我将警示扔至风中 再骑上脚踏车
Take a minute to yourself, skinny dip in my mind
给你自己一分钟吧 我的脑海正进行裸泳
I'm in my love, I’m in love
我已坠入爱河 我已坠入爱河
Got a knife in my jacket, honey, I'm divine
夹克衫内藏着一把刀 宝贝 我即为上天所赐
Baby, I'll bring the coffee if you bring the wine
宝贝 要是你带来红酒 那我就带来咖啡
I'm in my love, I'm in love (Ah)
我已坠入爱河 我已坠入爱河(啊)
Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 我即为安吉丽娜·朱莉
Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 安吉丽娜·朱莉
Lemme put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair
就让我将双手放到你膝盖上 你可以给我编辫子
Do a fat criss cross in the back somewhere, ha
在后头某处 做个十字交叉
Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 我即为安吉丽娜·朱莉
Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 安吉丽娜·朱莉
Lemme put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair
就让我将双手放到你膝盖上 你可以给我编辫子
Do a fat criss cross in the back somewhere, ha
在后头某处 做个十字交叉
I sit up straight, I don't have much to lose
我裙摆上翻 正端坐着 我可供失去的筹码已不足
I got a dog, I take it for a midnight, a midnight drive, yeah
我刚提了一辆卡车 是给一名午夜司机配的
My boyfriend tested positive for COVID, it don’t matter
我男友新——检测阳性 这并不重要
We’ve been kissing, so whatever he has, I have
我们亲吻不断 所以无论他获得何物 我也一并拥有
I can't cry
I can crash into the way, get on to the bike
我将警示扔至风中 再骑上脚踏车
Take a minute for myself, skinny dip in my mind
给你自己一分钟吧 我的脑海正进行裸泳
I’m in my love, I'm in love (Ah)
我已坠入爱河 我已坠入爱河(啊)
Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 我即为安吉丽娜·朱莉
Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 安吉丽娜·朱莉
Lemme put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair
就让我将双手放到你膝盖上 你可以给我编辫子
Do a fat criss cross in the back somewhere, ha
在后头某处 做个十字交叉
I don't know, it’s just like that song
我不知道 或许我们应该做些什么 比如…融合
It's that song where it's like
这首歌?你知道那首歌的……"Wipeout" 对……舞曲之类的…… 比如和这首歌
Like that
串联…… 这样就感觉…… 你知道那种类型的歌吗? 全部消灭, 一扫而净
Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 我即为安吉丽娜·朱莉
Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 安吉丽娜·朱莉
Lemme put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair
就让我将双手放到你膝盖上 你可以给我编辫子
Do a fat criss cross in the back somewhere, ha
在后头某处 做个十字交叉
Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 我即为安吉丽娜·朱莉
Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 安吉丽娜·朱莉
Lemme put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair
就让我将双手放到你膝盖上 你可以给我编辫子
Do a fat criss cross in the back somewhere, ha
在后头某处 做个十字交叉
Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 我即为安吉丽娜·朱莉
Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 安吉丽娜·朱莉
Lemme put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair
就让我将双手放到你膝盖上 你可以给我编辫子
Do a fat criss cross in the back somewhere, ha
在后头某处 做个十字交叉
Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 我即为安吉丽娜·朱莉
Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie
双手搭你双膝 安吉丽娜·朱莉
Lemme put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair
就让我将双手放到你膝盖上 你可以给我编辫子
Do a fat criss cross in the back somewhere, ha
在后头某处 做个十字交叉
1.The Grants
2.Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
4.Judah Smith Interlude
5.Candy Necklace
6.Jon Batiste Interlude
9.Paris, Texas
10.Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing
11.Let The Light In
15.Taco Truck x VB