Mm-mm, mm, mm-mm
My nail tech knows how to keep a lil' secret
I don't wish for my success, I speak it
我不会祈愿自己成功 我把成功挂在嘴边
I caught a buzz, and you did too, but you tweakin'
我喝晕了头脑 你也醉了 但你还在跳舞
I look like I been gettin' money, high reekin'
我看起来一直在赚钱 我是多讨人厌
You smell me, that's LV
你闻闻我身上 是LV的味道
Walkin' 'round with my chest out and my skin smooth, I'm healthy
我四处闲逛 抬头挺胸 我皮肤光滑 身体倍棒
I'm in the mix and I'm handshakin', but most of y'all can't help me
我在派对现场 我在跟人握手 但你们大多数人都帮不到我什么
Most of y'all ain't wealthy, most of y'all just dress like it
你们大多数人都不富有 你们大多数人穿着都差不多
I caught the vibe y'all givin' off, and I'm tryna make mysels less like it
我感觉到你们身上散发出的穷酸气 让我自己尽量不变成那样
This chick got a lil' Porsche body, I might let the bro test drive it
这小妞有保时捷那样的火辣身材 我可能会让这兄弟先帮我试试她怎么样
It's hard for me to get excited, I love music and stress 'bout it
我很难兴奋起来 我热爱音乐 也因为它感到压力
My city hall and I'm cosigning this wave comin' up next out it
在这城市里 我跟上了这浪潮 又开始了下一个浪潮
Ridin' 'round shotgun in her Tesla, hangin' both of my legs out of it
开着她的特斯拉 带着枪到处乱逛 我两只脚挂在外面晃晃荡荡
Like "What's up?"
I got stakes and they too high now, I can't **** up
我下的赌注太高 我不能搞砸了
I like girls that's down to earth, so don't be stuck up
我喜欢那种实际的女孩 所以不要自以为是
I don't take Ls, I give 'em out and I chop 'em up
我不会抽烟 我把它们送出去 把它们扔掉
First listen they hearin' this shit like "What the ****?"
Ten toes, that's my MO
全心全意投入 这就是我的做法
Fam over gram, that's my MO
家人比社交网络重要 这就是我的做法
**** a close friends, I got friends that I keep close
跟好朋友闹掰 我身边亲近的朋友很多
And they let it go while I reload
在我重新装弹的时候 他们会负责射击
Like bow, bow, bow
biu biu biu 三声枪响
TSA just opened up my bookbag
And my chain hittin' like bow, bow, bow, bow
我的金链子互相碰撞 叮叮当当
The king's back in his hometown, when them wheels hit
车轮转动 国王回到了他的家乡
And I touchdown they bow, bow, bow, bow
我一下车 他们就接连鞠躬
She download three point stance
I'm back there doin' Jack Dan's like bow, bow, bow, bow
我回到那里狂喝威士忌 一杯接一杯
And I'm not no fashionista, but I'm fly though
我不是时尚达人 但我飘飘然飞起来了
And I know I gave up drinkin', but I'm high though
我知道我戒了酒 但我依然很兴奋
I told her "I don't come from here, but you can try though"
我跟她说”我不是本地人 但你可以跟我试试"
I'm not on top of this shit yet though, but I'm that guy though
我还没有成为最强的王者 但那位置迟早是我的
I take a look 'round and my comp and it's just, uh
我环顾四周 看了看我的电脑 就这样
Wide open, big whippin', it slide open
敞开着门 我体积宏大的豪车 风驰电掣
I notice they treat me like I'm chosen
Eyes open, heart clean and my mind focused
眼睛睁着 心灵澄澈 我的信念坚定
This shit just keeps goin' how I wrote it
我怎么写的 事情就是怎么发展的
How the hell could you doubt us?
I mean, back then it made sense, but it's like, now what?
我是说 在当时都是有道理的 但现在呢
Now they down to come 'round just to be 'round us
You ain't one of my dawgs, why do you hound us?
你不是我的兄弟 为什么要缠着我们
It's very few of you I like, but it's a whole lot of y'all I don't trust
你们之中我喜欢的人还有几个 但我信任的基本一个都没有
Ten toes, that's my MO
全心全意投入 这就是我的做法
Fam over gram, that's my MO
家人比社交网络重要 这就是我的做法
**** a close friends, I got friends that I keep close
跟好朋友闹掰 我身边亲近的朋友很多
And they let it go while I reload
在我重新装弹的时候 他们会负责射击
Like bow, bow, bow
biu biu biu 三声枪响
TSA just opened my bookbag up
And my chain hittin' like bow, bow, bow, bow
我的金链子互相碰撞 叮叮当当
The king's back in his hometown, when them wheels hit
车轮转动 国王回到了他的家乡
And I touchdown they bow, bow, bow, bow
我一下车 他们就接连鞠躬
She download three point stance
I'm back there doin' Jack Dan's like bow, bow, bow, bow
我回到那里狂喝威士忌 一杯接一杯
1.State Fair
2.Poison (feat. Lil Wayne)
3.Like A Blade Of Grass
4.Dua Lipa
5.I'd Do Anything To Make You Smile
6.Young Harleezy
7.Parent Trap (feat. Justin Timberlake)
8.Talk Of The Town
9.Movie Star (feat. Pharrell Williams)
10.Side Piece
11.Lil Secret
12.I Got A Shot
13.Churchill Downs (feat. Drake)
14.First Class
15.Nail Tech