My pet peave is a camera in my face
我最最忌讳的 就是在我面前架满摄像机
Have you ever heard of personal space?
I walk around town in a hoodie and some shades
我穿着连帽衫戴着墨镜 在镇上闲逛
But now they start to recognize the shades
Even if you hate me you would trade
即便你痛恨我 也巴不得与我交换人生
You would live this life too 'cause I got it made
你也会喜欢过我这样的生活 因为我走向了成功
I like my bed made, soon enough I have a maid
我喜欢整理好自己的床铺 很快我都能雇得起女仆
When I buy a house, every surface gon' be swade
当我挥金买下豪宅 每面墙上却都覆盖着泥水
But for now I got a [?] downstairs
All my neighbors are grey haired
They don't recognize me and I don't think they care
他们认不出我是谁 我也丝毫不关心
But my post-mates can't believe that I stay here (**** 'em)
可我的后辈们却不敢相信 我会住在这种地方
I wanna go back to Kentucky and shut down the state fair
我想要回到肯塔基州去 取消州际博览会
Visit my old teachers and tell them to take care
拜访我儿时的恩师们 告诉他们好好保重
I might take a whip instead of paying the plane fair
我或许会跳进豪车驰骋 而不是整天付航班费
I still remember the way there
Ain't no girl in my hometown I can't have now
在我的家乡 没有我拥有不了的女孩
Buy a buliding in cash, ain't putting half down
哥用现金买房 首付就交全款 不用分期付
The hate used to get to me, I just laugh now
黑子们也曾将我击倒 如今我只是看着他们开怀大笑
Yeah, they ****in' with Jack now
是啊 他们现在根本触及不到我的地位
Look how they act now
Look how they act now
Look how they act now
Look how they act now
They ****in' with Jack now, they ****in' with
他们还企图将我打败 还用黑料对我穷追猛打
Baby, I'm comin' home, I know the kids miss me
宝贝 我即将回家 我知道孩子们都很想念我
I need some time with my friends to sip whiskey
我需要些时间和老友们聚聚 一起喝杯威士忌
I spent the last twelve months locked in
过去的十二个月 我将自己封在房门里
But tonight I'm content with existing
2015 we was on the Pen Griffey
2015年我们登上了Pen Griffey的舞台
I wonder what he had but the shoes didn't fit me
我想知道他有些什么料 可那并不适合我
Now the city with me and I got the kids listening
此刻整个城市都与我站在一起 孩子们也在听我的歌
And I'm a smooth operator by insticts
Word to Sade walkin' down Broadway
Like hey, with the windows down, I'm on broadway
将车窗摇下来 我正行驶在百老汇的街道
And it was just a day ago like the damn
Now I'm at my grandparents letting my grandpa say what he wants to say
此刻我正在爷爷奶奶家 让爷爷尽情地为我骄傲
'Cause nowadays I'm in the paper once a day
And it ain't always positive it's a bunch of things
报道并不总是正面的 而是各种杂七杂八的绯闻
But **** it mane I done graduated from younger days
但这无所谓了 我年轻刚刚毕业的日子已经过去
And if I ain't runnin' things soon I'll be running things
若我不尽快掌控一切 就不得不去追逐一切
I'm an artist mane
You just make fun of things
I'm the artist man y'all don't know what to say
我是艺术家了 你们都无话可说了
This album is a museum
So please don't touch a thing
It's okay to give me props
Don't make it such a pain
It's okay to give me top
Don't make it such a thing
Don't get offended
If we met and I set "What your name"
如果我们初次见面 我问你叫什么名字
I be flying around the country for 300 days
我要环绕全国 坐飞机飞上三百多天
But I ain't bout to justify how i justify the fame
但我不会强调自己出名 为自己的名誉辩护
**** the fame
From the jump we ain't be cut the same
I got so much but I still think about what's unobtained
我已经得到了那么多 却仍在想着还未得到的
Never been the type for wanting things
I want power (I want power)
I want my life to speed up a couple miles per hour
我想让我的人生 每小时都加速几英里
I want my dogs to know that this shit is ours
想让我的走狗们知道 蛋糕属于我们
I want respect, I don't want flowers
我只希望自己能被尊重 我不需要鲜花簇拥
I know they gon' quote this, the flow don't make no sense, the pocket is potent
我也知道他们会引用我这句话 这段flow完全说不通 口袋的潜力无穷
It used to be potential but now it's some grown shit
我以前是如此有潜力 现在整的全是烂活儿
Damn that boy floating he treat them beats like it's oceans
那男孩漂浮在空中 他对待他们就像对待海浪
All these people wanna greet like we old friends
I ain't holding back, tell the media to hold this
我不会躲藏 告诉媒体将这一切隐瞒
I know I said I miss you but I secretly don't miss
我知道自己说过会想念你 但有时我偷偷地不去想你
I got stories and I'm bringing 'em home with me
我还有很多故事没有讲 我会带着它们一起回家
1.State Fair
2.Poison (feat. Lil Wayne)
3.Like A Blade Of Grass
4.Dua Lipa
5.I'd Do Anything To Make You Smile
6.Young Harleezy
7.Parent Trap (feat. Justin Timberlake)
8.Talk Of The Town
9.Movie Star (feat. Pharrell Williams)
10.Side Piece
11.Lil Secret
12.I Got A Shot
13.Churchill Downs (feat. Drake)
14.First Class
15.Nail Tech