I used to sit with my dad in the garage
That sawdust that pine sol and the moss
Around every spring when the winter thaw
每年冬日冰雪消融 春天来临时
We'd huddle around the radio twist the broken knob
我们打开老旧收音机的旋钮 一起围坐在收音机旁
710 AM no KJR Dave Niehaus voice would echo throughout the yard
Couldn't have been older than 10
But to me and my friends
The voice on the other end might as well have been God's
1995 the division series
Edgars up to bat
Bottom of the 11th inning got the whole town listening
Swung on and belted the words that started Joey Cora rounds third
从乔伊卡拉第三轮击球开始 振奋人心的声音不断回荡着
Here comes Griffey the throw to the plate's not in time
My oh my the Mariners win it
不敢相信 西雅图水手队获得了胜利
Yes fire works they lit up ceiling in the king dome
是的 烟花在这片土地的天空已经点燃
We had just made history
And swung Lined down the left field line for a base hit
防守队员奋力的向左外野踉跄而去 为这计安打冲刺
Here comes Joey Here comes Junior to third base
They're gonna wave him in the throw to the plate will be
Late The Mariners are going to play for the American League Championship
I don't believe it It just continues MY OH MY
我不敢相信这真的发生了 我的上天啊
Laces woven barley holding that stitch
系牢排编好的大麦 不让它留出缝隙(才疏学浅,这里可能存在引申义)
The creases are time amongst the grime and the grit
Where the leather he used to pound his fists
To some it's just a mitt but see that glove was him
对一些人来说这只是一副手套 但懂得的人清楚这手套已能够代表他
Yep tell me stories on the field with that sun stained brim
是的 在骄阳染上黄昏色时 父亲总会给我讲故事
Blood under my chin he taught me how to spit
和我的聊天的时候 教我如何吐痰
Sunflower seeds back when me and my crew sun burnt arms
当我和我的船员们(棒球队员们)被太阳晒伤手臂时 葵花籽也送了回来
Big league chew yeah we were like the sand lot after dinner
还有大联盟泡泡糖 (棒球运动员吸烟替代品) 是啊 我们就像吃完晚餐躺着沙滩上一样愉悦
After practice we listen to the M's in the kitchen
训练完之后 我们在厨房听大师的教导
And if mom wasn't trippin' come on dad please I swear just one more inning
如果妈妈没有顺利来催 我会求着爸爸只要再来一局就够了
Voice went pump pump through the system break out the Rye bread it's grand salami time
妈妈脚步声打破了这一切 于是...拿出黑麦面包 到了吃萨拉米香肠的时候了
My oh My another victory yes my city my city
难以置信 我的城市又获得一次胜利 属于我的城市啊
Childhood my life watching Griffey right under those lights
童年生活 看着格里菲闪耀在球场的灯光下
Under that light rain gleaming in that night came can't stop now
那夜小雨下的灯光不断闪烁 时至今日也不曾暗淡
Keep moving no break pads came here to prove a point live my life on the field
无所畏惧的来到这里 要证明球场上的人生是充满意义的
Make history in between the base path
And compete against the fear that is in me that's my only barrier and I swear I'm going to break that
对我来说 与恐惧斗争是我唯一的障碍 但我发誓一定要打破它
From the mud the cleats that we drug threw the feet this is that moment and you cannot take it back
在泥泞中 防滑钉使我们无惧踏步向前 你无法将此刻抹去
I don't really collect cards anymore, just a box and some old card board
Memories embedded in the dust, in the fighters that age just like us living some where off in the drawer
埋藏在尘埃中的记忆 那些与我们相同时代的战士们也将过往存放在抽屉里
This is what you make of it yeah we play to win
这也就是你所做的 是的 我们志在必得
Live it like we're under the lights of the stadium fight until the day that God decided to wave us in
我们要像站在球场灯光下一样闪耀的活着 直到有一天上帝决定挥手让我们来到这灯光下
Right until he waves us in
It's my city my city childhood my life that's right right under those lights
这是我的城市 童年岁月 此生将无悔站在灯光下
My city my city childhood that's right Niehaus
属于我的地方 还有那儿时的尼豪斯
My oh My come on, my city my city childhood my life that's right under those lights
感谢上帝 来吧 这是我的城市 童年岁月 此生将无悔站在这些灯光下
It's my city my city childhood my life Niehaus My oh My Rest in peace
这是我的城市 童年过往 还有伟大的尼豪斯 永远安息