Joyner Lucas:
我承认 我在我的时代里做了很多事【Joyner Lucas是个来自地下的rapper 底层生活就会干些“脏”活 】
Whoa Joyner Joyner yeah yeah yeah
我说什么 就要做什么 并且老子绝不收回说过的话
Yeah I done did a lot of things in my day I admit it
我只是想在有生之年拿到一个“格莱美”奖杯 但却似乎无法实现
I don't take back what I say if I said it then I meant it
All my life I want a Grammy but I'll prolly never get it
是因为那该死的体制 我是个要改写法律 打破所有常规
I ain't never had no trophy or no motherfuckin' ribbon
放手一搏才能实现梦想的黑人 但我却没有多少能牺牲
Fuck the system I'm that n**ga bend the law cut the rules
这晚餐你们吃的够久了 现在该我来分杯羹了【这里暗喻自2017年来格莱美评奖的有失偏颇 因Adele包揽2017年的格莱美所有奖项引发了各界对长期以来格莱美评选的质疑 种族歧视 性别歧视】
I'm about to risk it all I ain't got too much to lose
Y'all been eatin' long enough it's my turn to cut the food
Pass the plate
Where my drink
甘霖娘【回应前处fuck the system 同时这里与本专封面上飞机的字母”FU-2”相呼应 】
This my day lucky you
你们该动了 你们该起身了 你们该滚了
Fuck you too woo
给我一些空间 给我让出条路 给我应有的尊重
Y'all gotta move y'all gotta move y'all gotta move
我跳出我的超跑 我跳到我的地盘 跳出来并给你来一枪
Give me some room give me some room give me the juice
你们该动了 你们该起身了 你们该滚了
Hop out the coupe hop out the coupe hop out and shoot
现在言归正传 我现在回到这面墙前【下面一段与已故rapper XXXTENTACION在2017“新人密码”中的副歌flow相似 这里是致敬他】
Y'all gotta move y'all gotta move give me the juice
当我背朝你们的时候 你们都得“死”
Back on my bullshit my back to the wall
现在看看这些解雇通知 现在你们该滚回去工作了【it’s back to the job是乔布斯的名言 bullets也有子弹的意思这里双关 寓意不去就毙了你】
Turn my back on you all of you finished
拿出我IMAC 你们都是我电脑里的app 我掌控着你们【这里也是双关 第二层意思是我掏出我的MAC-10自动步枪 你们就会吓跑 意思是这些rapper们都害怕他】
Back to these bullets it's back to the job
坐到我跑车的引擎盖上 现在该来点狠“货”了
Pull my MAC out and all of you runnin'
这些货才是我真正在吸的【Joyner Lucas经常在歌里自称是Drug Dealer 】
Back on my hood shit it's back to the pushin'
These packs and I'm actually pumpin'
Can't fuck with you rappers you practically suckin'
其实这次我还只是“嗡嗡响”而已 【这里讽刺那些当红的mumble rapper】
You mighta went platinum but that don't mean nothin'
我大步流星走出客厅 告诉他们 这个“烤箱”我拿走了【烤箱是放食物的地方 这里回应前处JL要吃东西 It’s his time】
I'm actually buzzin' this time
Straight out the kitchen I told 'em the oven is mine
就算我不杀了你 你也得知道这次你玩完了
I do not fuck with you guys
我不混帮派 但我却带了“炸弹”
If I don't kill you just know you gon' suffer this time
还有一堆手铐 一堆砍刀 和一些匕首
I ain't no gangster but I got some bangers
以及步枪 和睡衣 一只鹧鸪鸟 一个梨树
Some chains and some blades and a couple of knives
我圣诞节的十二天只有谎言别无他物【天主教中的一个宗教传说 12.25-1.6每天都要准备不同的礼物 第一天真爱会送给你一只站在梨树上的鹧鸪鸟】
Choppers and jammies a partridge a pear tree
我会像一个相扑手一样把你压得死死的【这一段是用了 Denzel Curry的《sumo》里的词】
My twelve days of Christmas was nothin' but lies
I run at you hard like a sumo sumo
我住在火星 但我不是火星哥
They say I talk like a chulo chulo
记住,我是个“疯狗” 叫我Cujo【Cujo是个疯狗的名字1983改编成电影《Cujo》西方很出名】
I live in Mars I'm not Bruno woo
你们随便出牌 我会在最后用那张逆转牌
B**ch I'm a dog call me Cujo rah
还会让你们再抓四张牌(让你们离成功更远)【Uno是一种牌的玩法 手中牌出完则赢】
You play your cards I reverse on you all
(西语)你最好闭上你的嘴 蠢猪 还有你们这群SX
And I might just drop 4 like a Uno bup
Cállate boca mejor maricón little puto and all of you culo
They've invented a level off in the ghetto to ghetto
Lookin' for somethin' I prolly can never find now
但事实是 那方法是有人要把我绑起来
Shit get relevant until the beef die down
可惜孤胆英雄不会怕 也不需要别人帮我
In truth a n**ga just really want me tied down
这只留我和美女就够了 我会让他们躺下
I've been alone and I never needed nobody
我不想把钱花在没用的地方 这不是我的lifestyle
Just only me and my shawty I'll tell these n**gas to lie down
我向上帝祈祷 只希望我的儿子会安然无恙【Joyner很爱自己的儿子 他不希望他会受自己影响而被他人杀害】
Keep all the money I never wanted the lifestyle
不是我对这世界另一面无情【这里致敬传奇说唱歌手2pac 源自他的经典曲目《Only God Can Judge Me》】
I just pray to God that my son'll be alright now
I said ain't no love for the other side
Or anyone who ever want smoke
如果我要死 我也会以一个永不服输的态度死去
你上了错的车 走了错的路
When I die I'm goin' out as the underdog who never lost hope
但朋友 上了这车 就没有回头路了
You in the wrong cab down the wrong path
草里面就有蛇 赶紧溜吧兄弟
N**ga wrong way wrong road
Snakes in the grass tryna slither fast
I just bought a fuckin' lawn mower
我虽然后悔但也是我自作自受【在早期作品中阿姆曾怼过很多人 包括Kim 和他母亲 后来阿姆成熟后 反思自己 受到他们回应的影响】
I done said a lotta things in my day I admit it
我的确是得了一堆“格莱美”奖杯 但却是用出卖灵魂来得到它们【阿姆一共获得了15个“格莱美”奖】
This is payback in a way I regret it that I did it
I done won a couple Grammys but I sold my soul to get 'em
Wasn't in it for the trophies just the fuckin' recognition
我是那可笑的白佬 只有我才能篡改法律, 改写规则【因为“格莱美”的评委的都是年龄偏大的白人 这里阿姆自讽是“白佬”讽刺现有可笑的制度和规则】
Fuck's the difference
兄弟 我曾经也能放手一搏 但我现在有太多放不下
I'm that cracker bend the law fuck the rules
这晚餐我吃的够久了兄弟 我现在的确是应该吃饱了【意为成就已经很多了 从1996出道已经超过20年了 一直保持着在hip-pop界极高的影响力和知名度】
Man I used to risk it all now I got too much to lose
我吃完饭 舔了盘 (你觉得)我幸运 有自助餐
I been eatin' long enough man my stomach should be full
I just ate lick the plate my buffet lucky me
Fuck you think
I got a couple of mansions
Still I don't have any manners
You got a couple of ghost writers
But to these kids it don't actually matter
“这些年hip-pop 发生了什么?”【这里阿姆怼了那些ghostwriter 还有mumble rapper 使用重复的flow的当红rapper】
They're askin' me
What the fuck happened to hip-hop
因为我发布上一张专辑很失败【这里take an L是take a loss的意思 上张专辑《Revival》外界评价不一 近年专辑销量下降 他有些失意 】
I said I don't have any answers
这些让我如身处地狱般痛苦 但我又来审视现在的rapper们
'Cause I took an L when I dropped my last album
It hurt me like hell but I'm back on these rappers
And actually comin' from humble beginnings
I'm somewhat uncomfortable winning
I wish I could say
hip-pop音乐的确是在上升 好像要登顶了
What a wonderful feeling
但我却没任感觉 因为有些人连词都不会写
We're on the upswing like we're punchin' the ceiling
But nothin' is feeling like anyone has any fuckin' ability
这感觉正在折磨我 消磨我描写人性的能力
To even stick to a subject it's killin' me
The inability to pin humility
Hatata batata why don't we make a bunch of
去TM的 我要的是那种令人窒息的好歌
Fuckin' songs about nothin' and mumble 'em
Fuck it I'm goin' for the jugular
Shit is a circus you clowns that are comin' up
Don't give an ounce of a motherfucker
现在我来告诉你 以前的MC在磁带里释放怒火 工作桌永远一片狼藉
'Bout the ones that were here before you to make raps
Let's recap way back MC's that wreak havoc on tape decks
Hip-pop现在需要3 stacks 还有Masta ACE 这种人【致敬Kool G RAP, BIG DADDY Kane Masta ACE 以及André 3000(3 stacks)】
ADATs where the G Rap's and Kane's at
We need 3 stacks ASAP and bring Masta Ace back
嗑药了来rap 往脸上纹身 涂像树汁一样恶心的东西【这里阿姆怼了Lil Pump, Lil Xan模仿Lil Wayne 脸上纹身】
'Cause half of these rappers have brain damage
我不讨厌trap 我也不想变得看起来疯了
All the lean rappin' face tats syruped out like tree sap
但是事实上 你们难道不知道以前的我?
I don't hate trap and I don't wanna seem mad
还是那个老“猫”(外表高傲 内心也需要关注)
But in fact where the old me at
The same cat
虽然有不好的 但这不可避免
That would take that feed-back and aim back I need that
他们知道去按哪个按钮 也知道摩擦哪个“杆”【这段和上张专的《Untouchable》的后段唱法相似 感受究极连押吧】
But I think it's inevitable
They know what button to press or what lever to pull
并且我要再认真点 还会做的更加成功(更大)
To get me to snap though lil b**ch
但你们的P话说的太久了 现在可以回来给老子XX了
And if I'm payin' attention I'm probably makin' it bigger
懂了吗【整段双关一边是rap得更好 一边是pull a lever, make it bigger, dick in the back, 不言而喻这是什么过程】
But you've been takin' ya d**ks in the fuckin' back ho'
现在在这边缘 任何时候都会让我想到结束
Get it
On the brink any minute got me thinkin' of finishin'
Everything wit' acetaminophen and reapin' the benefits
I'm asleep at the wheel again
As I peak into thinkin' about an evil intent
因为即使少吃一次药【阿姆曾经说过戒瘾后 感到很清醒】
Of another beat I'ma kill again
'Cause even if I gotta end up eating a pill again
Even ketamine or methamphetamine with the minithin
It better be at least 70 to 300 milligram
Hip-pop里面是有层次的 但我却有个“电梯”【这里再次提及Kendrick Lamar的想法hip-pop里面有层次之分 阿姆很同意这个说法并觉得自己在顶端】
And I might as well 'cause I'ma end up bein' a villain again
Levels to this shit I got an elevator
每次我打破记录 我听起来就像是一个坏了的录音带【这里再次玩起双关 第一是指每次发新专辑 都认为能超越自己的MMLP 第二是认为自己就像是损坏的录音光盘发出刺耳的声音引起注意】
You could never say to me I'm not a fuckin' record breaker
没有人能带走我对这个世界的馈礼(指阿姆留下的音乐) 一个好说唱的导航
I sound like a broken record every time I break a record
傻子都知道老子有这个权利做我想做的【这里的双关是never cater-Navigator不满足于音乐-导航者】
Nobody could ever take away the legacy I made a navigator
我的DNA里自带仇恨【这段是用了Kendrick Lamar的《DNA》中的flow 】
Motherfucker know I got a right to be this way
并且我说过:就算车轮全部晃掉了 我也能“无轮驾驶”【没有轮子的车就是“tire-less”这里意指无论外界如何 他亦能不知疲倦地工作 此处阿姆用了喇嘛的《Humble》里的“ayy flow”】
I got spite inside my DNA
But I wrote 'til the wheels fall off I'm workin' tirelessly ayy
就像加州的人们在那种极度干燥下期望的一场大雨【在这张专辑发售的八月 加州已经因干旱而发生了多次森林火灾】
It's the moment y'all been waitin' for
Like California wishin' rain would pour in that drought
希望我从hip-pop界陨落 从《8英里》一直到《铁拳》都这样【这里致敬Notorious B.I.G的“My Downfall”】
Y'all have been prayin' for
My downfall from the 8 Mile to the Southpaw
Still the same Marshall that outlaw
我现在像牛仔一样又骑上了这头“公牛”【双关bull riding是指在公牛上保持平衡的运动 寓意影响力依旧 第二种意思是back on that bull shit 意为仍是个疯狂的rapper】
That they say as a writer might've fell off
But back on that bull like the cowboys
Joyner Lucas/Eminem:
So y'all gotta move yeah
Y'all gotta move yeah
给我些空间 给我让条路 给我我应有的尊重
Y'all gotta move
跳出这超跑 跳到我的地盘 跳出来并给你来一枪
Give me some room give me some room give me the juice
果汁递给我 赶紧动起来 给老子滚开
Hop out the coupe hop out the coupe hop out and shoot
Y'all gotta move y'all gotta move give me the juice
1.The Ringer
3.Lucky You
4.Paul (Skit)
6.Em Calls Paul (Skit)
7.Stepping Stone
8.Not Alike
11.Nice Guy
12.Good Guy
13.Venom (Music From The Motion Picture)