In The hard time we live We feel a savage mood
在我们生活的艰难时期 感觉到一种野蛮的情绪
But I must live in that Even if I feel sadness
但我必须活在其中 即使我感到悲哀
Open my eyes wide and find out something new
睁大我的眼睛 去发现未知
Raise a shout! Cut it out! I've got to have my freedom
Oh, I can not blame nobody I may stand alone
噢,我不能去责怪任何人 可能就我一个人
I wander searching for the light
I wander searching for the might
My time has come Feel my heart!
这是我的时刻 感受我的心跳吧!
Craving for normality Wishing to win morality
渴望回归常态 希望占领道德高地
I have a strong will Never fail
我有一个坚强的信念 永远不会失败
I go ahead with glowing soul
I don't forget that past But (I) don't stay
我不会忘记过去 但也不会踟蹰
Do my best and I live in every day
尽我所能 精彩地活每一天
I have a strong will Never fail
我有一个坚强的信念 永远不会失败
I go ahead with glowing soul
Please bend an ear now Please do so by all means
现在请侧耳倾听 请务必这样做
There must be something wrong Did you really try all means?
一定是出了什么问题 你真的想尽办法了吗?
It is not good to force your ideas on others
Raise a shout! Cut it out! I've got to have my freedom
Oh, I don't know whether I'm right I may stand alone
噢,我不知道我是否正确 可能就我一个人
I wander searching for the light
I wander searching for the might
My time has come Feel my claim!
这是我的时刻 感受我的呼声吧!
Craving for normality Wishing to win morality
渴望回归常态 希望占领道德高地
I have a strong will Never fail
我有一个坚强的信念 永远不会失败
I go ahead with glowing soul
I don't forget that past But (I) don't stay
我不会忘记过去 但也不会踟蹰
Do my best and I live in every day
尽我所能 精彩地活每一天
I have a strong will Never fail
我有一个坚强的信念 永远不会失败
I go ahead with glowing soul
Look at night sky and mutter
仰望夜空 喃喃自语
Everyone is longing for tomorrow
I wanna find a solution in a hurry
Oh, everyone hopes for the end of this sorrow
Now they drift without feeling something
What do they wanna do? Tell me that
他们想做什么? 请告诉我
Oh, I can not blame nobody I may stand alone
噢,我不能去责怪任何人 可能就我一个人
I wander searching for the light
I wander searching for the might
My time has come Feel my heart!
这是我的时刻 感受我的心跳吧!
Craving for normality Wishing to win morality
渴望回归常态 希望占领道德高地
I have a strong will Never fail
我有一个坚强的信念 永远不会失败
I go ahead with glowing soul
I don't forget that past But (I) don't stay
我不会忘记过去 但也不会踟蹰
Do my best and I live in every day
尽我所能 精彩地活每一天
I have a strong will Never fail
我有一个坚强的信念 永远不会失败
I go ahead with glowing soul
Look at night sky and mutter
仰望夜空 喃喃自语
Everyone is longing for tomorrow
I wanna find a solution in a hurry
Oh, everyone hopes for the better future
Look at night sky and mutter
仰望夜空 喃喃自语
Everyone hopes for no more “harrow”
I wanna find a solution in a hurry
Oh, everyone hopes for the end of this sorrow
1.Rise Up (Legendary Pantheon) [New Legend]
2.Crawling In The Fate [Cause Disarray]
3.Alone [Chasing The Wind]
4.Hall Of Shame [Blame Yourself]
5.Even If The Darkness Comes... [Vanishing Hope]
6.Wings Of Misery [Holding The Broken Wings]
7.The Sign Of The Next Generation [Sign Of Revolution]
8.The Day Of Retribution [Shriek Of The Vengeance]
9.The End Of Sorrow [The Awakening]
10.Tomorrow [Seasons Cry]