Even If The Darkness Comes... [Vanishing Hope]

One day I had a curious dream
It was a prophetic dream
Someday My wish will come true
I'll take possession of all
Greed for control Greed for power
There's no limit to greed
Take away your heart Take away your soul
Take all of you (To) make you surrender
A prisoner of love
You'll surely kneel at my feet and you'll entreat
You must not be afraid that you are hurt
Feel everything Sacrifice all
It's not a bad thing
Feeling of heaven Feeling of pleasure
A prisoner of love
To devote my life
You'll devote yourself to me forever
Don't break a vow
Feeling the holy time There's you in my arm
Naked souls spend very holy time
And that'll never end (I) wanna keep believing it
For my life For your life
We will reach at the time of fate
Till the end of time, I swear to you
Greed for control Greed for power
There's no limit to greed
Take all of you (To) make you surrender
A prisoner of love
Fell everything Sacrifice all
It's not a bad thing
Feeling of heaven Feeling of pleasure
A prisoner of love
I feel strong might Wanna have all of you
(I) Won't make you regret I'll take you anywhere
To devote my life
You'll devote yourself to me forever
Don't break a vow
Feeling the holy time There's you in my arm
Naked souls spend very holy time
And that'll never end (I) wanna keep believing it
For my life For your life
We will reach at the time of fate
No, I don't change even if the darkness comes
Feeling the holy time There's you in my arm
Naked souls spend very peaceful time
And that'll never end (I) wanna keep believing it
For my life For your life
We will reach at the time of fate and truth
No, I don't change even if the time passes
No, I won't change even if the darkness comes
1.Rise Up (Legendary Pantheon) [New Legend]
2.Crawling In The Fate [Cause Disarray]
3.Alone [Chasing The Wind]
4.Hall Of Shame [Blame Yourself]
5.Even If The Darkness Comes... [Vanishing Hope]
6.Wings Of Misery [Holding The Broken Wings]
7.The Sign Of The Next Generation [Sign Of Revolution]
8.The Day Of Retribution [Shriek Of The Vengeance]
9.The End Of Sorrow [The Awakening]
10.Tomorrow [Seasons Cry]