制作人 : Joshua Kaiser/Ruby McKinnon
廉价的酒技和香烟 将你囚于笼中
Your cheap drink tricks and cigarettes keep you locked inside a cage
你的母亲害怕你 你的父亲难以听清你所说 你即金钱 戏台上的声音如是道
Your mother fears you, your father can't hear you, you're money, a voice on a stage
那晚你将我拽出门外 我踢腿反击与竭力尖叫的场景 至今仍让自己刺痛
I still ache from the night that you dragged me, kicking and screaming, out the door
但我不会轻易撒手 我将乳牙留在了你的抽屉里
But I won't let go, no, I left my baby teeth in your drawer
若我无法如你所爱拥你入怀 我也不会这样做 绝对不会
If I can't hold you like a lover I won't hold you, hold you at all
潮水将你冲刷清醒 亲爱的 而我再也感受不到任何情愫
The tide is turning on you, baby, and I feel nothing anymore
如果这就是我们永恒的常态 你觉得还是否足够
If we could stay this way forever would it ever be enough?
将你的瘀斑贴在我的肩头 定格此刻 直至永远
I wear your bruises on my shoulder now forever and evermore
你的双唇开裂 石榴浆色的吻流泄而出 可待因将你引入了深渊【codeine:一种能够止痛、止咳和止泻的片类药物】
Your lip got split, spill grenadine kisses, the codeine kids got you down
与魔鬼争执不休 你心知肚明 自己有多么厚颜无耻
Picking fights with the devil, you know, you've got a real smart mouth
当载你从酒吧回家 你轻抚着我的脸庞 但我默不作声
Driving you home from the bar and you're touching my face but I don't make a sound
你的乳牙掉落在车后座 你说 那是被人打掉的
Lost your baby teeth in the back seat, said somebody knocked them out
若我无法如你所爱拥你入怀 我也不会这样做 绝对不会
If I can't hold you like a lover I won't hold you, hold you at all
若不重振旗鼓 面对我的 就是一切的终结
If I don't pull myself together this could be the end of it all
我听见了电视里你的声音 让我随你回家
I hear your voice inside the TV telling me to follow you home
昨晚你咸涩的泪水滴在我的舌尖 我仍旧无比兴奋
I taste your teardrops on my tongue at night and it still turns me on
有些事情我们从不会说出口 但我们都清楚 我们清楚
There are things that we will never say, but we know, we know
即使是乳牙也会造成伤害 当我狠下心咬啮 将你咬啮
Even baby teeth will hurt you when I'm biting, biting, biting down
若我无法如你所爱拥你入怀 我也不会这样做 绝对不会
If I can't hold you like a lover I won't hold you, hold you at all
潮水将你冲刷清醒 亲爱的 而我再也感受不到任何情愫
The tide is turning on you, baby, and I feel nothing anymore
这可以是我们永恒的常态 但这永远不会足够
We could have stayed this way forever but it would never be enough
将你的苦痛埋葬于我心中 定格此刻 直至永远
I wear your ache inside my heart, my dear, forever and evermore