Steps 8 & 9 : Nature vs Nurture

Do you believe,
in some ways,
you're actually a product of your own environment too?
That's a tough one,
because it's like the age-old thing of nature versus nurture.
So, are you gonna allow yourself to be influenced
by the things you would come up with?
Or are you gonna allow yourself to grow and change
and hear other perspectives and new ideas and adapt that to yourself?
And I think to touch on that subject,
I think you're entirely influenced by everything that you see, everything.
I think it's just the reaction that you have
Some of ours are bigger...
Everybody's a product of their environment, I feel,
no matter if it was a rough environment or an easy environment,
you're gonna be affected by the way that you were brought up
1.Grateful Grateful
2.Guilt Trip
7.Head Games
8.Best Me
9.Love & Sacrifice
10.Step 10 : Aint No Perfect
11.Step 1 : Apologies in Advance
12.Steps 8 & 9 : Nature vs Nurture
13.Perfect Imperfections
14.Steps 5 & 6 : Distant Ally
15.Step 2 : Getting Uncomfortable
16.Step 12 : Apology Accepted
17.Steps 3 & 4 : Becoming Yourself
18.Step 7 : What We Deserve
19.Step 11 : Full Cup
20.Coffee Break