Step 7 : What We Deserve

I woken up outta my sleep 'cause I had work to do.
Like, my brain was like,
mmm, no, you can't sleep right now, you have things to do, you know?
Multiple occasions woken up out of my sleep.
And I, I guilt trip myself, like thinking,
"You're not being productive", "You're not moving forward",
"What are you doing?", "Okay, you been sleep too long",
"What is this, is this resting period you're taking?"
Okay, you know, you're sleep.
It's just like, get up, you know?
So, I feel like, umm,
that too goes back to like, where does that guilt come from?
Like, why do I feel guilty for not being productive or
for not being productive in this, real, like,
in this conventional sense, right, you know?
I think one thing is accepting that like, being guilty,
because someone, you're not like pleasing your fam or whatever
You gotta accept that like,
yo, you shouldn't expect **** from anybody
At the end of the day,
what do we really deserve from each other?
1.Grateful Grateful
2.Guilt Trip
7.Head Games
8.Best Me
9.Love & Sacrifice
10.Step 10 : Aint No Perfect
11.Step 1 : Apologies in Advance
12.Steps 8 & 9 : Nature vs Nurture
13.Perfect Imperfections
14.Steps 5 & 6 : Distant Ally
15.Step 2 : Getting Uncomfortable
16.Step 12 : Apology Accepted
17.Steps 3 & 4 : Becoming Yourself
18.Step 7 : What We Deserve
19.Step 11 : Full Cup
20.Coffee Break