Madman! He squats on my shoulder with icy paws and poison claws. Paranoise,
annoys, destroys his toys and tries to fix them. But his world is made of
powder taken neatly with a straw, and though he knows he's getting weaker -
he just takes it more and more. Sores are creeping on his skin, there's
desperation in his eyes. Because he knows he'll never win - he lost it all.
Surprise! Surprise! Madman's prize lays in the gutter where he'll mutter
empty threats but I'll pass him on his blind side - try my hardest to
1.Go Ask Alice
2.This Could Be the End
3.Fifteen Flies in the Marmalade
4.Echo Police
5.Gorgon Zola's Baby
6.Femme Mirage
7.The Hill
9.So Gallantly Screaming
11.I Am the Way, The Truth, The Light
13.A Message from Our Sponsor
14.Golden Dawn
15.The Last Straw