I rise from sleep, as a ray strokes my shoulder. Wishing to walk unveiled
to the world - my flesh on view. These things stand in our way - the cold
of the earth, the state of our minds. And the camouflage. The sticky
threads that communicate the meaningless in a thousand different ways. My
voice shuns your honey words on hour glass shapes. On the fragile, unreal,
objects of desire. The words don't flow, neither the feelings. No more ink
on wood to betray my thoughts. Just this - a cry on the dark side.
1.Go Ask Alice
2.This Could Be the End
3.Fifteen Flies in the Marmalade
4.Echo Police
5.Gorgon Zola's Baby
6.Femme Mirage
7.The Hill
9.So Gallantly Screaming
11.I Am the Way, The Truth, The Light
13.A Message from Our Sponsor
14.Golden Dawn
15.The Last Straw